EX-3 footage in FCP 7.

Posted by Robert 
EX-3 footage in FCP 7.
October 26, 2014 12:56PM
Hello All!

Thank you in advance to anyone reading this. I have shot on an EX-3 in 1080p25 format (I am in Europe). I am using FCP 7.0 on a MacBook Pro (OS 10.8.4). I downloaded the sony "xd cam ex log and transfer plug-in" (PDZK-LT1).

I have 2 questions:

1> When I set up the project in Easy Setup I selected Format: XDCAM HD. Then my question is do I use CBR or VBR? I.e. XDCAM HD 1080p25 VBR or CBR?? Regardless of what setting I use I notice that after doing log and transfer, when I look at the clips in the browser the format is always XDCAM HD 1080p25 VBR (35 Mb/s VBR) .

2> In the log and transfer window I can see the clips fine. But I do not see in the import preferences menu of log and transfer a section for xdcam. Should that be here?

I just want to make sure I have this set up right before I begin processing thousands of clips!!

Thank you all very much!!

Kind regards,
Re: EX-3 footage in FCP 7.
October 28, 2014 11:37AM
1) VBR...Variable Bit Rate.

2) XDCAM only comes in one way...as XDCAM. L&T simply re-wraps them as QT. So there's nothing really to change. Some formats allow you to convert to ProRes upon import...XDCAM does not. Like DVCPRO HD...it only comes in one way.


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: EX-3 footage in FCP 7.
October 28, 2014 06:36PM
As Ben says, what you're doing is fine. No changes need to be made, nor will they. It's just taking the original shot file and putting it in a wrapper that FCP can handle.

Re: EX-3 footage in FCP 7.
October 29, 2014 06:44PM
Ben who?


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: EX-3 footage in FCP 7.
October 29, 2014 09:42PM
Yeah Ben who?

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Re: EX-3 footage in FCP 7.
October 29, 2014 11:59PM
Oh whoops - sorry Shane. As Shane said. Not Ben. Ben's the one with the funny accent. tongue sticking out smiley

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