problematic image sequence exports from FCP7

Posted by dcouzin 
problematic image sequence exports from FCP7
January 02, 2015 02:11AM
TIFF image sequences exported from FCP7 (using QuickTime Conversion) have two problems.

First, the exported TIFFs get a gamma boost of 22%. It seems to be Apple's mad attempt to bridge their change from their old default gamma 1.8 to their new default gamma 2.2. It's easily worked around by applying a gamma reduction to the video before export. (The FCP7 filter named "Gamma" is a wholesome filter; it must clip sub-blacks because gamma can't apply to them.)

Second, the exported TIFFs are 8-bit. That's is a serious downer after editing in 10-bit ProRes. Is there a workaround within FCS3?

Did FCPX solve one or both of these FCP7 TIFF export problems?

DaVinci Resolve Lite -- free software -- makes TIFF image sequences with no silly gamma boost and preserving the 10-bit gradation.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
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