XDCam movs... do i need the XML file?

Posted by Nick Meyers 
XDCam movs... do i need the XML file?
February 06, 2015 05:38PM
All our media is XDCam movs,

no backups of cards, so we'll backup the move (and hope they're all OK!)

along with each mov there's a corresponding XML file.
i'm assuming we don't need them anymore... correct?
i want to trash them all, but can move them elsewhere if needed.
Re: XDCam movs... do i need the XML file?
February 10, 2015 06:56AM
I honestly can't remember if FCP legacy needed the XMLs intact. I would try moving one and see if it breaks the corresponding media file. Some of those structure things are set in stone in older systems.

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