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CleanUp. A Voice Filter for Field RecordingsPosted by Kozikowski
lol. I thought it was great - I totally got sucked in right to the point of download, so I thought I'd let someone else get fooled by adding to the hype. Nice one Koz!
The Premiere stuff is here Joe - it's a free set of presets : Free Audio Presets for Premiere And also a good write up on how to work with problem audio. ![]()
Oh, I am so glad I read this thread, that was evil, Koz. Too much time on your hands. LOL
Totally sucked in and twitching for the Download button. OTH, Jude mentions Izotope and one of their packages includes De-Verb. Well, I had a need for that treatment on a critical interview shot open-mike in a live boomy hallway. And it really DOES reduce reverberation, to the point the voice comes forward clearly as if lavalier'ed. It's sci-fi, but hey, the future is here. - Loren Today's FCP 7 keytips: Copy clip Attributes with Command-C Paste selected Attributes with Option-V Remove selected Attributes with Command-Option-V ! Your Final Cut Studio 2/3 KeyGuide™ Power Pack. Still available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
I tried Izotope and it was okay, I'm sure I don't know how to use it to its full potential but I found Audition does a lot of the same things and it was easier to use (bias since I've used Audition numerous times).
I have a really difficult track to fix, it has a constant lav clothing rustle even over dialogue. I tired removing it in both programs, obviously due to the NR the voice was degraded to a great degree and I used each programs bag of tricks to try and resurrect it somewhat and in the end, it still sounded bad but the result from Audition was better. Are there some other audio plugins/tools that can help with bad quality interview/voice recordings?
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