How to identify project timeline
June 13, 2015 04:24PM
When I open a project in FCP 7, how can I identify the Audio/Video setting of the project's timeline?
Re: How to identify project timeline
June 13, 2015 05:41PM
If this question is asking what sequence settings a new timeline (sequence) in a project starts with, this is not decided by the project. It is decided by the FCP7 preferences. It's set in Audio/Video Settings, Summary tab, Sequence Preset. Then it applies to new sequences opened in all projects.

For any timeline (sequence) you check its settings by looking in Sequence > Settings.

If you are working on multiple projects in FCP7, it can be a nuisance when they want different sequence settings. Insead of File>New>Sequence, I often duplicate a sequence already in a project and then delete the duplicate's whole contents (Cmd+A, Delete) to be sure my new sequence's settings match those within the project.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
Re: How to identify project timeline
June 15, 2015 03:21AM
I also find it useful to spend some time setting up a set of Browser Columns that outline all the technical details of the clips and sequences.

Compressor, Frame Size, Frame Rate, Field Order, etc, etc

right click on any column header to hide it, or reveal another column.
when you are done, right click again and choose "Save Layout"

i find this very useful when wanting to compare settings of various sequences or clips.

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