Out of memory errors

Posted by lupacexi 
Out of memory errors
August 03, 2017 06:28AM
Been recently getting a lot of "Out of memory" errors recently.
One project file in particular seems to be the most prone, it is a sizable project file, 200mb.
All media and project file are connected via an external usb3 drive that is 80% full.

Wondering what is the cause and solution? I do have 24gb of Ram.
Re: Out of memory errors
August 07, 2017 03:19AM
your project size is very big for FCP
i would start by reducing it

do you have lots of older versions of edits in there?
copying them into another project would be the simplest way to reduce your project size.

the next step if that doesn't reduce it enough would be to split the project into more than one part.

Re: Out of memory errors
August 07, 2017 07:20PM
lupacexi's question is verbatim a question posted in this forum two years ago.

Joe Riggs
"Out of memory" errors
May 22, 2015 04:07AM

Been recently getting a lot of "Out of memory" errors recently.
One project file in particular seems to be the most prone, it is a sizable project file, 200mb.
All media and project file are connected via an external usb3 drive that is 80% full.

Wondering what is the cause and solution? I do have 24gb of Ram.
So lupacexi is a jokester. "lupacexi" gets 6,500 hits in Google search. It's an online thing.
Nick replied to Joe two years ago.

Nick Meyers
Re: "Out of memory" errors
May 22, 2015 08:37AM

project size it pretty large.
too large, really.
you should look into splitting it.

what sort of media are you working with?
how complex are your timelines?

do you work with lots of sequences open?
that'll contribute


Nick's answer today is not verbatim, but admirably consistent, if wasted.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
Re: Out of memory errors
August 13, 2017 12:37PM
Wow, thanks Dennis.
How did you figure that out ?
And more to the point, what possible benefit do they get out doing that?

Re: Out of memory errors
September 11, 2017 01:34PM
There's an acknowledged maximum project file size. I want to say it is 70mb but I see where some say 100mb. In addition FCP7 can throw that error when it runs out of graphic card memory. Which may require some flattening to keep you from going crazy.


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Re: Out of memory errors
September 23, 2017 07:46AM
I have the same problem
Re: Out of memory errors
September 24, 2017 04:13PM
There's an acknowledged maximum project file size. I want to say it is 70mb but I see where some say 100mb.

Acknowledged by whom? We recently finished a half-year FCP7 project here with final filesize 139 MB without incident. In a topic from 2014, Derek Mok wrote:

I'd only start suspecting an overlarge project file around the 150MB mark or so.

It's the project complexity -- really its complexity when open in a certain state -- that the program succumbs to. The filesize does not measure this complexity.

It might be fun to experiment with how FCP7 manages memory -- how much of a project it puts into memory? Is it like the size of the .xml for the sequence presently selected? Or the .xml's for all the sequences open? Or the .xml's for all the sequences in the project? Or more? Or less? A 31x31x31 3D LUT is a huge filter. The .xml for a sequence grows by about 1.7 MB for each application of this filter. The project file only grows by about 200 KB; we can presume that the memory requirement is between those values. By this technique you can grow a sequence to great complexity in order to test FCP7s memory management.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
Re: Out of memory errors
September 27, 2017 12:04PM
dcouzin Wrote:
> There's an acknowledged maximum project file size.
> I want to say it is 70mb but I see where some say
> 100mb.
> Acknowledged by whom? We recently finished a

Whom do you think? Why Larry of course. Yes there is no real limit. But things can get harry after 70mb, I've solved problems by bringing projects back from 100mb. Theres a folder depth issue that can create runaway project bloat too. But not knowing any of that I had a 200mb project that went on for a very long time and was very stable, just took forever to open. It was on a power pc with 8 or 16 mb of ram. SD of course. Nothing has ever compared to the stability of that power pc with FCP.
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