Write protected SD card

Posted by stefangs 
Write protected SD card
October 15, 2017 02:22PM
Hi all,

my SD card is driving me crazy, because it won't let me write files to it. Searching the net turns up zillions of the same silly tip: sliding the write protect tab on the side of the card. There are even Youtube videos that show how to do that!

Well, my camera has no problems writing to this card, but on my Mac it is always shown as protected. Very annoying when you try to put back original camera files.

Any ideas on how to really get rid of that write protection?


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: Write protected SD card
October 15, 2017 03:33PM
Not that I understand, but it works now. What I did was writing something to the card on my Macbook Pro using the built in card reader. After I did that, I could also write to it on my desktop Mac with the USB card reader that didn't work before.

Makes sense, right?


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: Write protected SD card
July 16, 2018 10:23AM
Thank a lot!
Re: Write protected SD card
November 03, 2018 04:35PM

Very useful. A museum wanted my show written to an SD card, so they could load it into a built-in slot on a screen. I'd never delivered for that possibility.

Once you format the card on Mac, what scheme is used? Ex-fat?

Does the card still load into the camera afterward, and can you read and write from it? I'm guessing is has to be reinitialized for camera.

Best, as always.
Re: Write protected SD card
December 31, 2018 11:01AM
Hi Loren,

only saw your post just now. I don't think I formatted the card on the MAC, and the camera formatted it as FAT-32. So it looks like the camera never knew that the Mac has written something to it.


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
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