FCP7 change background color
May 02, 2018 07:17PM
I interviewed subjects behind a green wall, which the building later changed to a grey wall. Are there any tools in FCP7 to sample the color of one wall background and paste it onto the other for matching background color?
Re: FCP7 change background color
May 03, 2018 05:03PM
sure you can use the color corrector for this.

there are simple match-hue tools (an eye-dropper, white square, and white dot)
but for completely changing one colour into another, you might need something a bit more powerful.

basically you define a colour area using the "limit colour" controls,
then adjust it to match the other colour.

the simple color corrector is better for this, as it has the Hue wheel

in more recent OSs, the color picker tool is a bit broken in FCP7 so you need to do more manual work to get it right

apply the color corrector, open the clip in the viewer, go to the CC tab

at the bottom of the Colour Corrector, toggle open the "Limit Colour" section.
using the eye dropper, click on the wall colour in your clip.

under the eye dropper, there's a key icon, click on that to see how effective the key is, (image will go pure black/white)
and then use the colour. saturation and luminance controls to adjust / refine it.

when you've got just the wall selected click the key button TWICE to get back to normal view,
and adjust the hue. luma and saturation to change the colour of the wall.

OR, use the match hue controls.

with these you use the match hue eye-droper to select a colour you wan tot match TO (in the other clip)
in the collar corrector, the tiny eye-dropper under the Balance wheel will turn green,
use that to select the colour you want to match in this clip.

matching grey to green or vice-versa it may be simple enough to do it manually.

Re: FCP7 change background color
May 04, 2018 11:43AM
Yes, I want to completely change one color into another. Perhaps the clips could be adjusted in another program, then exported and (sad part) reconverted for use.

It sounds like what you described is not powerful enough to affect the single range of color and not the entire frame (subject included). I want the subject isolated, background only affected.
Re: FCP7 change background color
May 04, 2018 09:44PM
maybe my first sentence was confusing,

the "Match Hue" controls probably won't do the job,
but the "Limit Colour" controls (what i describe in detail) should do what you want smiling smiley

"I want the subject isolated, background only affected."

that's what it does, by targeting only the colour of the bg.
if that colour happens to be in the fg subject, then you might be in trouble,
but in that case the limit colour controls coupled with a garbage matte will generally see you though.

Re: FCP7 change background color
May 04, 2018 11:59PM
Any good tutorials for Limit Colour and Garbage Matte? I'm surprised this is not covered in a video, as many people get background colors that could be changed.
Re: FCP7 change background color
May 05, 2018 01:17AM
Larry Jordan has video on doing what you want to do -
Re: FCP7 change background color
May 05, 2018 12:02PM
Link? Or, is it his subscription service? Any Youtube links? Sorry, some of the so-called tutorials on Youtube are terrible.

Maybe one of you sharp ones could make a proper video to this issue, post it to Youtube.
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