A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .

Posted by John A. Mozzer 
A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .
September 26, 2018 04:30PM
I started out using Final Cut Express years ago, then went straight to using Final Cut Pro X as soon as it was released. In other words, I never purchased or installed Final Cut Pro 7. Unfortunately, as you may know, FCE does not have an export XML feature. This means that I cannot use SendToX. So I am looking for somebody who is still running Final Cut Pro 7, who will import the FCE projects and export to XML for me. I’d provide the FCE projects on an external hard drive.

Can you suggest somebody? I live in Los Angeles. If the person is local, I could drive and pick up the job. If not local, I can ship the external hard drive, and provide a Federal Express number for its return with the completed job.
Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .
September 27, 2018 01:56AM
hi John,

you won't need the entire hard drive,
all you need to do is to e-mail a (zipped) copy of your project file.
this is not a hard job, i could help you out
how many projects are you talking about?

Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .
September 30, 2018 01:46PM
Sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner. I have to guess 20 to 30 projects. I need to thoroughly dig through all of my RAIDs, etc., to find all of them. I really should have done that first. I'll get back to you. Thanks.
Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .
September 30, 2018 06:04PM
Okay, I’ve found them all. It’s not quite as many projects as I thought, because switching to Final Cut Pro X was longer ago (2012) than I remembered! It is eighteen Final Cut Express project files. I have them ready in a zip file. Please advise what I should do next.
Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .
October 01, 2018 03:55PM
It's done! Thank you, Nick, for your help!
Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . .
October 04, 2018 05:15AM
a pleasure, John,
im glad it all worked

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