How to convert canon xf305 footage (50Mbps MPEG2) for working in FCP7?

Posted by Robert 
How to convert canon xf305 footage (50Mbps MPEG2) for working in FCP7?
July 13, 2019 09:06AM
Hello Everyone!

Thanks in advance to anyone reading this. I will be renting a Canon XF305 and a Canon XF205 for a 2 camera shoot. The camera records in 50Mbps MPEG2 codec. I have never worked with this before and am trying to figure out how to convert the footage so I can edit it in my FCP7.0.3. I am working on a MacBook Pro from 2012 with an old operating system OS10.8.4, which I know makes things complicated. In my MPEG streamclip I do not see an MPEG2 option. Would log and transfer within FCP work?

I am assuming I should convert the footage to AppleProRes422 for FCP7?

Many thanks in advance to anyone who has any advice.

Kind regards,
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