Using FCP7 on OSX 10.6.8 and then migrating project file to OSX 10.6.3. or 10.6.6

Posted by jweissbach 
Hey - My 2009 iMac just died. It was running FCP7 on OSX 10.6.8. If I purchase an old iMac that is running with OSX 10.6.3 or 10.6.6, will my project files that were started on the 10.6.8 open and work on either a 10.6.3. or 10.6.6 if the FCP7 software/version is the same as the old computer? Or do I need to purchase a computer with an OSX 10.7 or 10.8? Thanks.
Re: Using FCP7 on OSX 10.6.8 and then migrating project file to OSX 10.6.3. or 10.6.6
August 22, 2019 07:56PM
sorry for REALLY late reply.
but don't worry, changing OS the way you describe will not be a problem at all, as far as FCP works.
no doubt you've discovered that for yourself by now, but just thought i respond.

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