New Mac Pro pulls in HOW MUCH power??
September 26, 2019 04:45PM

I don't know about you folks, but my little condo will blow breakers with a 1400-watt draw. That seems an outstandingly bad oversight. Obviously this Mac is meant for ad agencies, wealthy design firms, and post houses, not individual craftspeople.

That's like 14 amps-- and anything added to the 15-amp circuit with blow it.

That's even a huge chunk of a 20-amp circuit. So much for a greener Apple.

Is Apple selling accessory windmills and solar panels for a trickle charge?

Have I got my electro-math right?

Best, as always,
Re: New Mac Pro pulls in HOW MUCH power??
December 01, 2019 08:59AM
They probably blew all low current-drawing parts on their iPads and MacBooks spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

I don't know if the math is right, but that would be quite ridiculous actually.

macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: New Mac Pro pulls in HOW MUCH power??
February 22, 2020 09:02AM

I know!

Well it automatically saves us 10-12 grand, better spent on renovation of the condo. But maybe I'll wire in a 20 amp circuit in case I win the lottery.

Best, as always,
Re: New Mac Pro pulls in HOW MUCH power??
March 25, 2020 12:27AM
Actually, if I were editing at a small hydroelectric dam I think I'd be okay.

Here's hoping everybody's OK...

Best, as always,
Re: New Mac Pro pulls in HOW MUCH power??
August 03, 2024 01:56AM
Late addendum:

Our problems are solved. I got the 2020 Mac Studio (M1 Ultra) and it is surely a beast in a box on your desktop, I cannot love this creature enough. Qiet as a mouse, eve working on AI intensive stuff like Topaz Labs' Video AI. And the Studio's current descendants make it a sure fire 4K investment.

Apple nailed it with SOC!

Best, as always,
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