Page peel transition

Posted by stefangs 
Page peel transition
December 01, 2019 08:17AM
Hi guys,

I have added some static images to a static background, depicting a notebook. I'm using the page peel transition to create the obvious effect.

To make the images blend a little better into the background, I used a slight bit of feathering with the 'Soft Edges' filter. The problem is that now as soon as the transition starts, an ugly border appears around the images just where I feathered. Obviously, this ruins the effect.

Any ideas how I can make this work?

Thanks much,

macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: Page peel transition
December 03, 2019 01:18AM
does it look like this AFTER a render?
probably, but i thought id ask to be sure.

you possibly could do the same job as the Soft Edges filter by going into the motion settings of the images and dialing in a touch of edge feather in the "Crop" section.
try that instead of the filter, see if you get the border,

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