Standard Transitions Died

Posted by katesfriend256 
Standard Transitions Died
January 26, 2020 10:04AM
Hello Everybody

I have had occasion to rework some legacy FCP7 projects. All is fine and does what it should with ease - BUT, transitions don't work! Even a simple thing like a cross dissolve. (Effects do, however). To be clear, I can drag the effect to the timeline, (making sure there is a sufficient handle at either end!). But it just sits there - the timeline plays, but it does not play the transition. I tried exporting it, no luck. I trashed the preferences, and still nothing. I even roundtripped it to color (for no reason other than I could not think what else to do). Again nothing.

At the moment I am on El Capitan, and I have used FCP7 many times since I upgraded to that. I cannot think of anything I might have done to cause this.

If anybody can be bothered to preview the situation as a screenshot, I have posted on on my Digital Pidgeon server here: as you will see the transition is there, but "nothing happens". I don't have much hair as it is, but I am in danger of losing the rest of it, unless some kind soul has an Eureka moment on this forum!


Many thanks!
Re: Standard Transitions Died
January 27, 2020 05:09PM
hi there.

yes, very odd.
i would suggest trashing preferences, but you say you've done that.
did you restore a saved set of preferences, or let FCP rebuild them from scratch?
if you restored, try letting FCP rebuild.

i also wondered about a couple of other things:

-in the tiny RT menu (top left of timeline) is Play Base Layer Only ticked?
-in your sequences settings there is a Render Control tab, with settings to render (or not i guess) filters & speed.

its ages since i used these, and testing them now, i can't reproduce what you're seeing.
Also, trashing prefs would have re-set these to default, so I'm scratching my head too,

i remembered sometimes individual sequences could become corrupt.
you could try making a new sequence, and copying the work into it.

a workaround would be to layer the shots across two tracks, and keyframe the opacity, to create your own dissolve transition.

one last thought - double click the transition into the viewer,
make sure the Start slider is set to 0,
and the End slider set to 100.

I hope you solve it smiling smiley
(and when you do, pls post back)

Re: Standard Transitions Died
January 30, 2020 11:04AM
Hello Nick

Thanks for the reply. I have actually tried this with many sequences and the result is the same - sadly!

I will check that little drop down (where RT is) and reply back. Workaround are indeed possible, but my frustration is less "getting the effect" than wondering why transitions stopped working (all of the standard ones), but effects have not!

I will continue to investigate....
Re: Standard Transitions Died
January 31, 2020 02:17AM
Hi Nick, actually you were correct - unticking Play Base Layer Only did the trick!

(How it was ever altered is a mystery that will likely never be solved!).

Thank you!
Re: Standard Transitions Died
January 31, 2020 02:20AM
great news !
glad you can move forward smiling smiley

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