Anyone remember Cinema Tools?

Posted by Joe Riggs 
Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 05, 2020 07:27PM
I'm looking for a program that convert (convert may not be the term) frame rates without the need to spend oodles of time exporting new files.
For example 29.97fps to 23.976fps or vice versa and it slows or speeds up the file to compensate.

Cinema tools use to due this with ease, bring your files in, change the frame rate and presto you have your files in that frame rate.
Is there a similar program that does that in 2020?

Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 06, 2020 03:44AM
QT Edit in the Digital Rebellion Pro Media Tools will conform to different frame rates...

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Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 06, 2020 03:47AM
However which NLE are you using?

FCPX can conform to the Timeline rate and Premiere and Resolve can conform clips to whatever rate you desire in app.

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Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 08, 2020 05:21PM
Thanks Ben, I'm in Resolve but I'm not looking to conform in the timeline for this particular project.

I need new files on the drive at different framerates then what it was recorded at (again they can be sped up or slowed down to compensate), so Post can just use the files at the "corrected" frame rate and I'd prefer to not have to re export them.
Therefore, a solution like cinema tools would be ideal for this case...I guess QT edit is the only other option?
Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 08, 2020 05:34PM
Edit Ready?


Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 08, 2020 05:48PM
Didn't think of edit ready, good one Andrew.
Not sure it can do what I want without have to export new files but I'll give it a shot.
Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 08, 2020 06:20PM
Let me know if Edit Ready does what QT Edit does which is basically just adjust the info to the QT file to playback at the new conformed FPS no additional saving of copies.

You can batch conform in Resolve if that's what's bothering you?

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Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 11, 2020 09:58PM
Hey Ben,

Edit ready worked for me using the Re-wrap option, it created a new file at the desired frame rate almost instantaneously.

I'm not familiar with batch conform in Resolve, are you saying it can do what I'm looking for without the need to spend a bunch of time exporting new files?
Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
November 12, 2020 04:31PM
If you are cutting in Resolve you just highlight all the clips you want to conform and change the rate on them. No need to save metadata just export a Resolve project for them to cut with.

I seems odd to me to have to re-save nowadays ala Cinema Tools or the other options. You can also conform to a rate in Premiere Pro too. FCPX is a little more awkward though.

I understand why you might want to make them all the same but it's usually a simple select click and rate change so conforming before import is mostly redundant in my workflows now.

Which NLE are your post folks using?

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Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
April 12, 2023 05:54AM
Re: Anyone remember Cinema Tools?
March 14, 2024 02:43PM
I remember it!

What was it?

Best as always,
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