Porn Color Attributes

Posted by Greg Kozikowski 
Greg Kozikowski
Porn Color Attributes
June 02, 2005 06:37PM

I just did that to get your attention. You know when you watch a much dubbed porn tape, the luminance is over *here* while the colors are over *there*? It's an artifact of color-under videotapes.

We have a respected artist some of whose work is only on much dubbed 3/4 tapes. They actually have color offset vertically as well as horizontally because of multiple TBCs.

Is there any way to rescue this with filters?

He is, by he way, respected without taking his pants off.

Re: Porn Color Attributes
June 02, 2005 08:25PM
Koz, email me some footage, or stick it on an FTP for me, PhotoJPEG75% codec for small size and good quality and I'll write a funky chroma v and h offset filter for you.


[] - Plugins for FCP-X
Re: Porn Color Attributes
June 02, 2005 08:49PM

There's an After Effects plug-in (3rd party - will work with FCP HD) in the DigiEffects Delirium collection called DE Channel Delay. It allows you to manipulate & offset the color channels in "X" & "Y". This may work for you with a few feathered masks.

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Greg Kozikowski
Re: Porn Color Attributes
June 06, 2005 11:16AM

<<<Koz, email me some footage, or stick it on an FTP for me, PhotoJPEG75% codec for small size and good quality and I'll write a funky chroma v and h offset filter for you.>>>

I'm not ignoring you.

We had some terminal equipment fail and this is the first time I've been able to get on the machine without competition.


Re: Porn Color Attributes
June 08, 2005 09:31PM
Adam Wilt has a free chroma offset FXScript:


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