Anyone having problems running Soundtrack Pro in the new Studio?

I'm on a dual 2g G5 with 1.5mb ram and find it runs excruciatingly slow.

I'm exporting a half-hour newsmagazine show that has seven tracks of audio.

I'm just dipping my toes into the SPro waters but am hoping to make it part of the work flow so any suggestions on how to speed things up appreciated.
Re: Soundtrack Pro runs very slow
June 03, 2005 02:10PM
Post your inquiry on the Sountrack Pro forum:


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

I could do that but I'm more interested in hearing from FCP users that have integrated it into their workflow.

Although still slow, I realize now that the initial tardiness was due to the program writing the waveforms for the clips and tracks. This took about 10 minutes and once it was done things improved.

I guess an increase in RAM is in order.
Re: Soundtrack Pro runs very slow
June 03, 2005 03:37PM
"...I could do that but I'm more interested in hearing from FCP users that have integrated it into their workflow."

That's where they would be - talking about STP. Just trying to help, G.


- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

I guess Gordon thought you were sending him somewhere else like creative cow or somewhere Joey ?
I think I'll pop over to the STP forum myself.
Yeah, that's what I thought and I'd already been poking around the Apple site to no avail and didn't know there was a forum here.

But I question the need for a separate forum within LAFCPUG for Soundtrack Pro - it kind of muddies the waters I think. I'd assume that folks coming here are going to be FCP users and so their queries likely are FCP related. It's a bit different from DVD studio pro I think.
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