Learning Motion/FCP5... hardware path advice?

Posted by peter 
Hello -

Coming out of Avid world, I need to purchase newer system to learn FCP5/Motion as my older Powerbook w/G4 500 not up to min specs. The current chaos around Mac pathway has me wondering: As freelance editor, having a powerbook in the edit suite is very useful, but is the current PBook 15/17" a good choice? Also, iMac G5 2ghz an option. Then I could take the big plunge and get the proper machine - dual PMac G5. The thing is, I feel big changes in the air and perhaps an interim solution is best before investing in a full pro set-up. I can wait a bit, if there is any indication of newer hardware soon.

Thanks for any and all advice.

Re: Learning Motion/FCP5... hardware path advice?
June 14, 2005 10:11AM
Look at the "RECOMMENDED REQUIREMENTS" (not the "Minimum Requirements"winking smiley. That will cover the suite nicely.


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