Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade

Posted by maurice young 
Anonymous User
Re: Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade
October 05, 2005 10:34PM
I'm reading it as installing on a new computer.

Re: Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade
October 05, 2005 10:39PM
I think your right Mike, it would be a new computer installation.

Does FCP Studio work with Panther OS 10.3?
Anonymous User
Re: Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade
October 05, 2005 10:42PM
10.3.9. Wont work on any version under that.

why would it be a "new computer install"? does it have to do with the age of his version hes upgrading from? i do clean installs on empty drives all the time and all i need is my serial numbers...
Anonymous User
Re: Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade
October 05, 2005 11:00PM
Oh. Read YOU wrong. Yeah, all you need is a serial number.

My bad

Re: Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade
October 05, 2005 11:07PM
Michael Horton wrote:

> Yes, you need to load FCP 2 on your new Mac before
> upgrading to Final Cut Studio.

uhh no you don't
you just need to input the serial number when it asks for the old number

David at Movies Rock in Toronto
Re: Warning about FCP Studio Upgrade
October 06, 2005 09:10AM
Thanks for input all, thats the hard part out of the way, now all I need to do is buy a new computer!

Much obliged,

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