So, I have a 'friend', that does video work at this place.
He's the only person that does video work there.
He videotapes company events. Training sessions. Sometimes does videos for users for specific things. Other people sometimes work with him but they're usually the people who requested the service. So he doesn't have a 'team' of people he works with.
He does the camera, audio production. Then later, he'll do all the post work with suggestions sometimes coming from the requesters. He's in a room with people he used to work with before he started doing this kind of work. But, pretty much, there's no one to talk about the technical part of the video work with.
He says he's getting bored because the content of the work itself is not interesting. And since he doesn't work with anyone there isn't really any co-workers to bs around with most of the time or to talk 'shop' with.
But, of course, the pay is decent. That's pretty much one of the few reasons he's still there. And in these economic times, it's a pretty good reason.
So, has anyone been in a situation like this?
He wants to move on but doesn't have any direction.