Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 11:34AM
Hey guys,

Here are some sneak peaks at the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game I am working on over at Electronic Arts. My stuff is in the "Media Spotlight" - click "Watch Demo" - the first one will play itself and there is a strip of videos on the bottom to choose from. This site is brand new so there is not a lot on it yet:


My function is all the video production, grafix & compositing. Some of it is very straight forward to show the beauty of the 09 game as compared to 08. I cannot talk about features or anything in the actual game yet (top secret - NDA stuff), but one cool thing is I work with game capture specialists and I get to Direct the capture...in other words, we use a special game build where we can put the camera anywhere in the game, keyframe camera moves in actual game environment and capture them to HD tape for editing. What you see is the exact environment you will get when you play the game.

The compressions are not my doing. I am using FLV presets in Sorenson Squeeze that were given to me. I am not happy with the way they turned out and I hope to tweak them a bit to clean them up. The source is 1280x720 (720p) so you can imagine how gorgeous the master is. You have got to see it as an H.264... stunning.

Much much more to come...I will post again here when new clips come out. Game hits stores on August 26th so I am currently working on in-game tutorials, cut movies (in game interstitials) & marketing advertisements (web / show loops / commercial spots / Cross-Sell spots).

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 12:22PM
Thats very cool Joe. I might have to get into gaming if I can ever find 5 minutes.

Michael Horton
Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 12:27PM
I hear you MH...I am not a gamer myself - never was. I find a little time at night to play a round of TW08 with my 10 year old on his Wii. The Wii has really revolutionized game play for those of us that are not hardcore gamers - those on the fence. It really is a lot of fun smiling smiley

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 12:47PM
The colors are definitely much much nicer and more natural a year later... The trees grew? grinning smiley But very very cool.

Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 01:08PM
The Wii and the Guitar Hero phenomenon are really two sides of the same coin -- more player immersion (read: role playing), more actual activity. Well, at least these modern "rhythm" games might breed fewer couch potatoes!

Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 01:35PM

...and look at the water. Sub Surface Scattering is much better - giving the water more realistic depth. The movement is incredible. Trees didn't grow...they were removed and/or replanted (course was completely updated). These are course-accurate renditions from the same course one year later. I am told that Golfers use this game to familiarize themselves with the courses before a tournament.


The Wii has already had that impact in my house with me and my 10 year old son. You actually have to GET UP to play it - and it's fun. It brought me back to gaming after 27 years. There is a "lazy mode" if you want to just flick your wrist while sitting on your butt, but I haven't told my boy that it exists winking smiley We're BOTH actually lost weight playing it.

If you like Guitar Hero...try Rock Band (EA distributed). The SpecialEdition comes with a Guitar / Mic / Drum kit & sticks:


Rock on thumbs down

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 game...coming soon!! (NOT SPAM)
May 11, 2008 02:57PM
> If you like Guitar Hero...try Rock Band (EA distributed). The SpecialEdition comes with a Guitar /
> Mic / Drum kit & sticks:

Yep, already own it. I play real drums, so the drum kit was a nice way to simulate that in an apartment unit! The singing part sucks, though -- in order to score high you have to sing flat, note for note, like those white emo boys (eg. Green Day style). Any melisma or vibrato and it counts as the wrong note. You guys know I'm a bit of a singer, so this score system is a peeve!

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