Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 - A few looks inside the upcoming game...
August 10, 2008 04:32PM
Here's a few vids I did for the upcoming game (in stores August 26th). They are posted up on Gametrailers.com. I did them all except for the Preview piece - that was edited by Gametrailers.com and we supplied the footage and my composites:

Tiger Woods 09 Performance Feedback Trailer HD

Tiger Woods 09 PS3 Gamernet Walkthrough HD

Tiger Woods 09 TPC Sawgrass Trailer w/Tiger VO HD

Tiger Woods 09 Preview HD

I can't for the life of me figure out why some of these looked so washed out on the website. If you "Save As A Quicktime Movie" to your desktop & play it in Quicktime, the colors are nice & rich. I did not do the compressions for the record.

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