OT: Prada's "Alchemy" by Pietro Scalia
November 01, 2008 06:29PM

The award winning editor has reassembled nine short films by nine young directors was shown at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles.

Film can be viewed here:


Article on it:

Re: OT: Prada's "Alchemy" by Pietro Scalia
November 18, 2008 11:22AM
i don't find any movie with this link. Just an article.
Am I doing something wrong?
Re: OT: Prada's "Alchemy" by Pietro Scalia
December 04, 2008 03:42AM
Just checked it. on that article page, if you move your mouse to the bottom left just below the article, "-null" words start appearing (some kinda new age approach to web designing, i suppose, but i sure prefer one with noticeable links). One of them would be Scalia's montage of the films.

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