Short Documentary

Posted by alexedit 
Short Documentary
November 16, 2012 10:33AM
Hi Guys -
I worked on this short documentary on FCP7 Please tell me what you think. Please click on the vote button

Re: Short Documentary
November 16, 2012 11:28PM
VERY Nice. Makes me look at parking totally different which is I imagine your and the architect's intent.

Michael Horton
Re: Short Documentary
November 24, 2012 12:40AM
The content is killer. Nice camera work / angles. Edit was good overall. My 2 cents on few observations I would have addressed in post:

I feel it needs a few slick graphic punches. I saw a quick plain title identifying the narrator - immediately forgot his name. Needs 5 seconds screentime with a build on and off. He even mentions that 11 11 is it's own brand / it's own logo / it's own identity - I would have accentuated / incorporated that. I might have created a slick animated lower 3rd incorporating the 11 11 logo design and maybe incorporating some design element representing Lincoln Road / Miami.

The color correction needs to be tweaked...for example I noticed a few inside garage shots that go from cool temp to warm - they don't match.

I was also a bit shocked when this dreamy artsy edit ended abruptly and slammed right into the credit slate. I might haved washed it out to white and blurred in the credits in black / gray.

Great job overall smiling smiley

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