Bare with me this is an odd question.
If i do not bake any of my stills or the motion tab effects and send that TL to color will color allow the xml data that goes back to motion to still place all of the clips in their proper place?
My theory is that i can send the TL to color then cc and grade the clips. The parts of the TL that should have been baked will come back to fcp as either offline clips or blank spaces. (true / false)
So, if color sends the TL back as a seq. I will have one seq unaffected by color and the color seq. I could then plug the parts that should have been baked into the color TL and copy/paste attributes.
This may have to be done in reverse but can it be done? What would be some of the major problems i would run into?
I ask this before i do it because its a 45m TL that has a lot of stills and some very simple filtering on certain clips (all scripts no fxplugs). I only want to effect the interview and b-roll parts, because the stills can be efficiently done with the 3way (only contrast and maybe hue after the color round trip.
What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."
> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"