workflow for Color to FCP with remote/different computers

Posted by rjoe11 
workflow for Color to FCP with remote/different computers
July 27, 2009 02:02PM
i'm working on a project with another editor in another city. We both have identical harddrives with the same source material and we just email FCP project files back and forth which has been working great.

But i was wondering what the best or proper workflow for doing work when the FCP timeline is sent to "Color" program for coloring then sent back to FCP timeline. The FCP sequence i get emailed to me now obviously won't connect up to the "COLOR" rendering/grading. Is there any way to remove the "COLOR" effects to keep working?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Re: workflow for Color to FCP with remote/different computers
July 27, 2009 07:47PM
Nope. Color creates new media once you export the project from Color and send it back to FCP. Wait until you've locked the edit then send it to Color.

Re: workflow for Color to FCP with remote/different computers
July 27, 2009 10:40PM
thanks for the tip!
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