Black Frames

Posted by Eric Rogers 
Black Frames
June 02, 2010 01:32PM
I'm having trouble with rendered video from Color showing up with two black frames at the end of some of the shots. They don't show up when I play the video in Quicktime so it's like it's delivering the video back to Final Cut at a slightly increased frame rate. Any suggestions?

Mac Book Pro - 10.6.3
2.8 Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
FCP 7.02
Color 1.5.2
Re: Black Frames
June 05, 2010 01:10PM
Any speed ramps? Variable speed changes? Different frame rates?

Color likes everything to be of the same codec, and frame rate, and also no speed ramps.
Re: Black Frames
August 07, 2010 12:12AM
So hows the frame looks like when its black?
Is it cool?clean to make glance?

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Re: Black Frames
November 22, 2010 01:57PM
Same problem here. No speed ramps or frame rate changes. Occurs to footage on higher tracks (eg: b-roll I have on top of the interviews). Like Eric said - last two frames are black on random clips. Fairly annoying.
Re: Black Frames
November 23, 2010 08:55AM
I thought I had responded to the questions above back in June but I don't see my response. Logan, what I found was that if I put them in their own sequence then sent them to Color, I didn't have the problem anymore. If all else fails, see if the fit to fill function in FCP fixes it.

I had this problem once before but the frames were in the middle of the shot. In that instance, I found turning off my screen saver fixed it. Apparently every time the screen saver kicked in it was creating black frames.
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