Export for "Webisodes"

Posted by michael rouse 
Export for "Webisodes"
September 06, 2009 08:01PM
Hello. On G4, FCP 6.0.5

Age old question...and checked the FAQ but it's a iittle old so ..
I am looking to create (export) 7 minute "webisodes" for sales (downloading) from a website. The original footage is mini-dv (not sure if that makes a difference) I'm looking to create the cleanest, smallest (file size and format ) for the download...suggestions??

Thanks, Michael
Re: Export for "Webisodes"
September 06, 2009 08:55PM
If they are for sale then it might be an option to offer a couple of type of media.

One of which would be for iPhone in H.264 with AAC Stereo Audio

You can use the QT7 iPhone setting for Export of your finished movies and they look great.

You might also want to supply a Window Media version for PC users that don't want to install Quicktime (yes they still exist).

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