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Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion
Please look at compressor forum postingPosted by DM
Hello all,
I posted a question about file size reduction in the compressor forum. Since that forum seems to be less visited, wonder if someone can take a look... (and then screwed up by posting this in that forum!!) XDCAM EX footage (1920 x 1080) exported full QT movie from FC-7 Each movie is 7 gigs. want to reduce file size for easier download from dropbox. thx
ProRes 422
I even think that the preres444 would be smaller. The xdcam is like 4:2:0 sampling. If it is not going to be edited out that dropbox, then h264 with a +1.0 gamma shift at 4000kpbs, in compressor. Other wise it cant be full 1080 and you could reduce the resolution to 720p and keep the XDCam native to to the camera. It will not be a lot smaller. Maybe from 7gigs to 5gigs at best. The xdcam is like 4:2:0 I really depends on what is going to be done with it after DL. """ What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have." > > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"
This Compressor thing is killing me. I have dragged my files into Compressor. I have set the setting I want (pro res) and place I want it to go to (same drive as I started on ) but I get a small skinny window at the top asking about "clusters" (which have never heard of until today) . It will not allow me to "submit". When I go to batch monitor, it says I have no clusters. I am not using multiple computers in a "cluster" . I only have a dual core mac pro. Why is this so difficult. I don't think I need clusters at all , but as I say, I have never heard of them until today.
Please help.
Give Compressor Repair a try:
[www.digitalrebellion.com] My software: Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more More tools...
I "solved my problem". I converted the .mov files (that were really just re-wraped low res by clip wrap to be recognized by the FCP 7) using mpeg streamclip. They don't look as good as the files I converted to pro res directly from .mts. On the pans, the trees and poles jerk sideways. looks like a really bad compression decompression problem but at least I delivered the job.
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