I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!

Posted by grafixjoe 
I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 10:59AM
I recently took on a new job where I was forced to go back to an Avid on a PC full time (I just threw up in my mouth). After the first 2 weeks, I rediscovered that there are a few things about the Avid that are SO MUCH BETTER than FCP in terms of Productivity. It is a tool for editors. I said it before...how about a NEW INTERFACE. There was a discussion going around a while back when someone was gathering "opinions" from Pros and was going to post the findings for people that could make those changes. I posted my opinions and spoke to that person...and never heard anything of it again.

Hopefully, that information has gotten to the right people (ahem...Steve Bayes)....because I can't stand looking at this interface anymore. A few examples of a NEW INTERFACE:

? BIG TIMECODE WINDOWS (or at least the choice to turn them on)
? Ability to PLAY the Clips in Icon View inside the browser using J-K-L keys (Mini-preview)
? Ability for the User to dictate color selection / adjustability for the current gravestone gray interface (AE got onboard with this feature and it's awesome...in the preferences I can turn that bright white interface to a soothing dark charcoal gray with white text - totally eliminated my headaches from staring at the app for 14 hours a day)
? Rolling timecode in Capture / Layoff
? Auto-Patching
? More interactive compositing (ability to grab a layer + drag it around in the canvas without multiple clicking to reactivate position). Why do you have to click on the Position "+" to move a layer...then when you let go, you have to go back and click on that "+" again to move it again? Too much clicking...just select (hilite) a clip in the timeline and grab it in the Canvas - move it as many times as you want.
? Option to have all windows as ONE (tearing off tabs as needed for separate monitors).
? A title tool that MAKES COOL TITLES. Interactive building / adjustments / live updating right in the Canvas. Again...too much clicking to get a result.

There's more...but I'm tired.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 11:24AM
> More interactive compositing (ability to grab a layer + drag it around in the canvas without
> multiple clicking to reactivate position). Why do you have to click on the Position "+" to move a
> layer...then when you let go, you have to go back and click on that "+" again to move it again?
> Too much clicking...just select (hilite) a clip in the timeline and grab it in the Canvas - move it as
> many times as you want.

Isn't that what the Wireframe is for? Highlight in timeline, drag the Wireframe. I think the Wireframe has some temperamental aspects to it (sometimes it switches clips in the timeline without my asking), but doesn't it do the task outlined above?

> BIG TIMECODE WINDOWS (or at least the choice to turn them on)

That's a big one...pun intended. Amazing how it's still not available after six versions.

Customizeability of the interface would be a desireable thing. I think I speak for every editor here when I say that within every window, there are always features some of us don't ever use. There should be more choices to make other, frequently used elements bigger while tearing off others. For example, how many of us actually use the In and Out buttons on the windows rather than I and O on the keyboard?

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 01:58PM
BIG TIMECODE WINDOWS (or at least the choice to turn them on

Digital Heaven has your back there.


Michael Horton
Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 06:48PM
Do you have to purchase them? Do they help with the absence of BIG TIMECODE WINDOWS in Capture / layoff ? I can't find out...their site doesn't load.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 07:20PM
BigTime is a floating timecode display for Final Cut Pro (v5 or later). An indispensible tool for client viewings (and ex-Avid editors), BigTime displays the current timecode on a resizable window. No more squinting required!

BigTime can be freely resized and moved anywhere on screen. The text and background colours can be customised to suit your personal taste and the frames display can be shown or hidden as required.


worth every penny if you squint a lot.

Michael Horton
Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 07:22PM
Nice add-on, but it's still $50 for something that should have been available within FCP itself, and I don't think it has the ability to navigate the timeline or Viewer. Doesn't quite replace the feature request, does it? I'm a Digital Heaven fan, but I need more from this one.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 06:51PM

Isn't that what the Wireframe is for?

Not intuitive enough for me.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 09:37PM
Joe - I don't understand how the wireframe mode isn't intuitive enough. Turn it on, then drag things around in the canvas exactly as you have asked. It's one of the bigger Pros about FCP, I reckon.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 09:38PM
- Isn't that what the Wireframe is for?
- Not intuitive enough for me.

Joe, if you are talking about compositing, surely nothing could be more intuitive than grabbing & moving the element directly in the canvas?

nevertheless the cross-hair behaviour in general (filters & generators and motion tab), could do with the overhaul you suggest

For example, how many of us actually use the In and Out buttons on the windows rather than I and O on the keyboard?

good call, Derek.
these "iMovie" controls make a lot of "Switchers" think FCP is still a toy.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 19, 2008 07:25PM
$50 for a larger timecode window alone? No thanks - I'll squint. I will just keep it as a Feature Request and hopefully if enough editors chime in it will be added to a future version (soon).

If it was included in a package of multiple FCP interface improvements it would DEFINITELY be more attractive to purchase...not by itself.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: I can't stand looking at this interface anymore!
April 21, 2008 04:15PM
Hey Joey check out the first page of requests from way back when...

Posted by: grafixjoe (
Date: November 22, 2006 07:55PM

1. Mixed codecs / resolutions in a single timeline to one single output format
2. Re-visit the entire interface (yawn - boring - help)
3. Ability to play / preview clips in the Browser
4. Better audio controls / meters
5. Ability to see rolling timecode while capturing

...more later

1 out of 5 is better than 0...

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