Improvements for Garbage Mattes + Title ToolPosted by plastique45
I use the garbage mattes a lot (4 or 8 points).
My issue with it is that when you zoom in into the canvas to better see where you place your points, the little red target doesn't appear in Final mode. Also, if you use any other mode, the squares with the point numbers (1,2,3,4 or 1 to 8) are HUGE and block your view. They should scale down when you zoom in. Updating the titling tool would be nice too. I know we have Motion and Livetype, but still.
re the garbage matte: definitely!
another big problem with this, and anything that uses a Cross-Hair, is that if the image has been scaled or moved in the canvas (or motion tab) then the cross hairs don't reflect that. they still point to the original position in the canvas. but plas, here is what you do if you want to zoom in to get a better look: Option Apple + will zoom your entire screen in, (centred on your cursor position) Option Apple - will zoom it back out. if you have a scroll wheel mouse, then Control + Scroll wheel will also zoom you in. the settings for this are in System Prefs, Universal Access. oh, and the size of the number squares can be adjusted in the filter.
How about getting it to see the active fonts on your system?? Pretty useless having only certain font families - even parts of font families - show up. Very annoying when a client has a specific font style and the FCP TT doesn't see it. When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.
>How about getting it to see the active fonts on your system??
The Boris plugs (Title3D et al.) show the fonts correctly I think as it uses the AE API (I think) Also, the FxPlug architecture similarly doesn't seem to have the problem as FxScript (as used by Apple's test generators) ... I wrote a custom FxPlug for a specific titling need using a font that otherwise was not available ... it seems to work a treat.
Jude Cotter Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > And also, for the title tool list, please can we > have title safe markers of some kind, so we don't > have to keep guessing how many words we can get on > a line. Fix Title Generator so it does not generate unsafe whites or chroma. See this all the time. Kevin Monahan Social Support Lead, DV Products Adobe Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Community Blog Follow Me on Twitter! Sorry, you do not have permission to post/reply in this forum.