Supermeet updatesPosted by Jude Cotter
lol @mike
Compound Clips makes experimental edits easier and with less fear of damaging your original edit. crazy - timeline gets MUCH more organized through compound clips, demoed FCP7 vs X, same timeline inline precision editor - dblclick seams to see all handles clearly within the timeline. Hit return and it collapses again Inline Precision Editor - see whole clip when doing an edit ![]()
Randy Ubillos now on stage to demo FCPX
ah man it looks like a fancy iMovie?? say it ain't so looks a lot like the ol' Shake interface walterbiscardi : Range based keywording. Find media based on keywords.| Don't know details but maybe TEXT IS THE NEW TIMECODE! #FCPX has clearly learned much from iMovie. Lots of simple touches which accent the user experience and display it's power ![]()
new filmstrip view will allow you to find stuff MUCH quicker
multiple tags on any section. Full filmstrip view allows for no scrubbing to understand your clip FCP has pluraleyes-like features built in. Will automatically figure that out on ingest Able to add tags to timeline and access via a list to the left ![]()
[Final Cut Pro X
All 64 bit ] Yes! And it has a timeline. That's all that's important. It has a timeline. I now return to sleep. - Loren Today's FCP 7 keytip: Nudge a Canvas layer by SUBpixels with Command-Option with Arrow keys ! Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack. Now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
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