Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:30PM
As I've been saying since August 2010, Final Cut Pro X is built on AV foundation, bundled into the App package.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:32PM
Don't bet on a configurable Final Cut Pro X. I know the source of those rumors and they're not accurate.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:33PM
Sorry Philip, you're going to have to fill your posts with more wild conjecture and pointless worrying and less solid concrete information full of these "facts". Only then will we listen.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:35PM
There is no tape capture in Final Cut Pro X because there is no metadata coming from tape (other than the crude thing that is Timecode). Final Cut Pro X is based entirely on metadata, so tape had to be missed from being internal to Final Cut Pro X.

You can still capture with Final Cut Pro 7 and go back to tape with that, or with the utilities supplied by Blackmagic or AJA.

I predicted the lack of tape support in FCP X back in April 2010 and was eviscerated for it.

In an ideal world it's too early to remove tape, but in the real world, when you're building an app for the next 10-15 years, tape will clearly not be part of that vision.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:38PM
I don't do wild speculation. Sorry. smiling smiley

Just a combination of very good data points and extrapolation. So far I think I'm batting about 75% accuracy on my predictions for FCP over the last year. I don't think anyone else is close to that.

Maybe more wild speculation in the future.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:38PM
The workaround regarding tape should be easy enough, I hope. Use FC7 to ingest tape and then transfer over the media files to FCX's capture scratch.

Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:39PM
Much better than "reel and timecode" would be to base media management entirely on a database. Oh, and while you're at it, base the whole application on a database so we never lose work, and never lose media connections.

Oh, did I mention FCP X is built on a database for project and media management?
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:41PM
Capture scratch in FCP X isn't a fixed location. It *finally* is stored with the project now, instead of application preferences.

I see issues with offline-online workflows, but my instinct tells me that FCP X wouldn't be my first choice for that type of workflow, despite the much stronger media management via the database.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:41PM
Tape, say hello to Floppy drive. Floppy drive, say hello to tape.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:44PM
Tepid applause on your side of the room Walter, standing ovation on the other side. Don't rewrite the history of the event. there are too many people who were actually there and in the middle of the standing ovation (although personally sitting with laptop on lap) to be fooled by revisionist history.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:44PM
Exactly Andrew. Apple makes these bold moves "too early" and yet, we adapt.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:45PM
Philip "king of understatement" Hodgetts
Oh, did I mention FCP X is built on a database for project and media management?

WTF? No you most certainly did not mention this. That is AWESOME news.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:49PM
Awesome news indeed about the database. (It hasn't been publicly announced but I have now been able to confirm it repeatedly.) Great news if, as expected, there's some form of SDK, but not great when your product line relies on XML Export. smiling smiley

Fortunately Core Data is capable of exporting an XML representation of the database, but that may, or may not, be the way we interact in the new world.
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 02:57PM
More specifically AV Foundation for Final Cut Pro, my writing over the last year (or a limited selection)



Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 03:00PM
While the media may now be stored with the project, there must be some way of using clips from one project in another. Some way to transfer clips from tape captured in FC7 to one of the new projects created in X. Or is this a naive assumption?

Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 03:26PM
I would expect that transferring media from project to project will be available. But from the screen shots (hi res apple supplied) it seems like the language may be changing. (WTH is an "event" and how does that relate to a "project".)
Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 01, 2011 05:05PM
Th Events Library looks like it's showing the hard drive and any FCP X projects on it. The project either contains the media, which would be unfortunate, regressing to early versions of iMovie, or just contains metadata that points to wherever the media resides. As everything is available, no transcoding, you could just archive it wherever you want and import it to the project. Moving material from one project to another would be like the current version simply moving the metadata from one project to another. If it follows the iMovie model the media on import gets copied or moved into special folders that the application looks for, which can be on any hard drive. I guess we'll have FCP Events folders that hold the media.

All the best,

Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 03, 2011 02:02PM
Some of these revelations are plain rude awakenings.

Phil writes-
[There is no tape capture in Final Cut Pro X because there is no metadata coming from tape (other than the crude thing that is Timecode). Final Cut Pro X is based entirely on metadata, so tape had to be missed from being internal to Final Cut Pro X. ]

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Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 03, 2011 06:34PM
Got to be honest here - I was shocked when I thought about it - I haven't used tape in over a year!

Even the HDV stuff that was shot on one project was onto SD card.

Maybe it is time to get rid of the old magnetic ribbon?

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Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro
May 03, 2011 06:45PM
I understand your thoughts on this, however, I was recently up at Howard and Michelle Hall's home. They are the leading producers and shooters of all the IMAX underwater films. I wish I had his budgets (and skills). Never the less, he has thousands of hours of archived tapes. Even he doesn't have the time or drives to put them all on cards and, if he should ever need to go back and recapture a clip here or there, his goose would be cooked.
For me, bottom line is that Apple has done a miserable job communicating. If they were hoping to build up happy anticipation, they've only succeeded in pissing people off. IMHO

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