FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 09:36AM
Just FYI.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 10:57AM
Thanks for the heads up. I have it right now and am trying to find my way around. So far I see a limitation on where you tell FCP 10 to save files. The preferences dialog box is super spartan - it's got a few more options then Quicktime 7! FCP 10 has the same work flow as iMovie. The way my drives are laid out I need to get things saving on different disks and I see nothing to configure this, not like earlier versions of FCP that had tabs of configuration options. Really looks like a very souped up iMovie.

Other bummer, don't see anyway yet to import my old FCP 6 files! Looks like we have to start over. If there are any tutorials included with FCP 10 they're well hidden. Maybe the price was so cheap since they aren't including any tutorials any more. Yikes! Got Motion and Compressor too, but haven't looked at them yet.

Just checking the menus, they're very spartan too. Going to take some time to figure out.



My heart sank to my feet when I clicked the old icon the new FCP started in it's place. Thought it had over wrote it. Sorry everyone.... now going over to stand in the corner.

I'm already encountering a few bugs. Had to close it from Activity monitor once. Tagging clips with keywords left strange text bubbles on the clip and when going to another project (or "event"winking smiley, they were still there. Then it stopped responding.

Bottom line if you don't like iMovie, your not going to like this interface or work flow. If you love iMovie you will love this interface.

Have figure out how it wants to store your files (or put them where you want them). It defaults to yourccount>pictures>Movie>Final Cut Events. From my initial testing it look like it groups everything in that folder, source clips, Rendered transitions, etc.

One thing I found is that you can't drag items from the Find to the clips area, you have to import everything!

My initial reaction and most of you too will be that they have seriously 'dumbed' down FCP.

If you have an questions ask away and I'll see what I can do to answer them...
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 11:52AM
Both require ProKit 7 udate though. In the middle of too much stuff to risk that one.
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 11:57AM
Yeah, I think backwards compatibility with older FCP project files is one of the things missing from the new version, along with things like multicam. Start making a list!

It sounds like they've rolled a lot of the features of Color and Soundtrack Pro into the Final Cut, but does anyone know if those apps (plus DVD Studio Pro) are officially discontinued?

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 12:04PM
They don't even fanfare it on the homepage. Oh, boy. iMovie Pro 12.

- Loren

Today's FCP 7 keytip:
Temporarily mix down audio tracks with Command-Option - R !

Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack
with FCP7 KeyGuide --
now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 12:20PM
Loren Miller Wrote:
> They don't even fanfare it on the homepage. Oh,
> boy. iMovie Pro 12.
Yeah, that shocked me too. They usually pay lip service to it at the bottom of the home page.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:07PM
I keep reading everywhere that it does not overwrite FCP 7...can anyone confirm which is true?
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:08PM
Scott_r Wrote:

Hmm... Larry Jordan had indicated that we could install FCP X without overwriting FCP 7. See his blog, here:


Specifically, he said "Installing FCP X does not remove FCP 7. So you can take your own sweet time deciding when to make the switch. And, in fact, you can use FCP 7 where it makes sense and FCP X when that is a better choice. For the first time ever, we can have two different versions of FCP on the same system at the same time, without partitioning hard disks and jumping through hoops."

So, I'm surprised to hear this might not be true in all case.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:16PM
Installing as we speak. Mine's a new kit, so not much to reinstall. Let you guys know in a bit.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:17PM
this is not true. It will not overwrite old FCP

Michael Horton
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:22PM
I can absolutley definitly confirm it DOES NOT overrite FCP7 - all it does is place the suite in a folder called final cut studio - so if you had a shortcut on your dock (who doesn't) then it will boot fcpx by default which may freak you out - but FCP is still there in the studio folder inside the app.

So far i have to admit im not a big fan, it feels like so many options and controls have been taken away, i don't want to be forced to work in an 'imove esk events' style, i can't seem to set my windows up how i want, and frankly apart from the great 64bit goodness and open CL and all the other under the hood goodies, i can't see using this for any work for a long time, hell just the lack of any form of compatability with fcp projects, no xml, or edl support etc is a massive shortcoming... this just feels like a fancy imovie. angry smiley
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:31PM
Downloaded FCPX Motion and Compressor - it didn't overwrite any of those apps.
How does one play to an External HD screen?
June 21, 2011 01:37PM
How about my HD screen?

I can get the viewer onto a second screen, but can't anywhere find the way to play video out through my Blackmagic Decklink HD Extreme.

Any ideas?

I've looked everywhere. This is bizarre.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:39PM
[it feels like so many options and controls have been taken away]

Damn. :-(

- Loren

Today's FCP 7 keytip:
Temporarily mix down audio tracks with Command-Option - R !

Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack
with FCP7 KeyGuide --
now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: How does one play to an External HD screen?
June 21, 2011 01:58PM
So it's not just that there's no support from Blackmagic yet-- there's no menu item for Video Output anymore? Is that true??


harry323 Wrote:
> How about my HD screen?
> I can get the viewer onto a second screen, but
> can't anywhere find the way to play video out
> through my Blackmagic Decklink HD Extreme.
> Any ideas?
> I've looked everywhere. This is bizarre.
> Harry.

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 01:59PM
>I can absolutley definitly confirm it DOES NOT overrite FCP7 - all it does is place the suite in a
>folder called final cut studio.

Yup. Confirmed.

Re: How does one play to an External HD screen?
June 21, 2011 02:06PM
No menu item for Video Output that I can find.


I just imported some H.264 shot on a hand held pocket Canon 720p and I must say that I have never seen such good smoothing. Better than Lock&Load.

BUT - I tried importing some HDV and it wouldn't so it - gave me a sulky message saying "No Importable Files - None of the selected files or folders can be imported. Change the selection and try again".


Maybe it's because it was shot on a Canon XLH1 and is in Canon's 24f format.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 02:07PM
LOL...I think I am gonna wait a little while until the screaming & complaining dies down to install...

NOBODY has said it is cool yet.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 02:18PM
"Import from tape-based devices

You can import media from a tape-based camcorder or tape-based device. To determine which clips you want to import (rather than importing all of them), you can view them using Final Cut Pro before you import them."

- FCPX Help User Guide


Most annoying thing so far is the misnomer 'events' for ole-fashioned BINS. But it feels like at least there is some reining in on the freedom involved in importing media-- importing anything is an event. You get to name it-- but it's still an event, not a bin. Randoy or somebody don;'t like bins. A true videophile won't be troubled-- this is the name of any cut in an EDL. But here you can store thousands of clips in an "event" so it that reference doesn't hold up well either. Feels like reinventing a wheel that was already round? And then adding a candy-coated glaze...

- Loren
Today's DVDSP keytip:
Invoke the Simulator anytime with Command-Option-Zero !

The DVD Studio Pro KeyGuide? - on sale alone or bundled in
the Final Cut Studio 2 KeyGuide? Power Pack.
Available at discount here at the LAFCPUG Store
Re: FCP X and Motion 5 now in App Store
June 21, 2011 03:03PM
Once you have installed FCPX and Compressor, run Software Update - there is some stuff called "Final Cut Pro X Supplemental Content" etc. A relatively big file - 638MB.

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