Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?

Posted by Ethan 
Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?
June 27, 2011 02:45PM
If I have to completely re-train myself, then avid makes more sense. Oh to be able to export a change list.

I know FCP is supposeed to have done this through, the film list thing, but I confess to never getting it to work correctly.
Re: Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?
June 27, 2011 02:49PM
This would be an Avid Community forum question:


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?
June 27, 2011 03:10PM
Thanks, I registered and posted.
Re: Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?
June 27, 2011 03:54PM [] have just sent me an email for the Avid Crossgrade try there.

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Re: Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?
June 27, 2011 04:06PM
Yep, the guys over at the Avid community board turned me onto them, and I bought it. The last time I bought from them I bought Premeire and the origional Miro card.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Apparently they've got discounted Premeire too until the 30th.
Re: Is there anywhere you can still get the Avid $995 deal?
June 27, 2011 07:01PM
"Oh to be able to export a change list. I know FCP is supposeed to have done this through the film list thing, but I confess to never getting it to work correctly."

this is handled by Cinema Tools, and requires you to establish a CT database of your project's media.
it's been a while since i used it, (for a Workprint Pos-Conform, so that gives you some idea of how long ago it was!) but the change lists definitely worked.

as far as i know the CT change lists are not usable by the sound team, they are specifically for film.

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