Remembering In and Out points (ranges) in the Event BrowserPosted by craig seeman
Alex4D Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- >useful when the client > sends you a paper edit Paper edit? The client can do the First Cut in iMovie. Sorry I had to note that. Somehow if Randy got his way and iMovie was called First Cut, people wouldn't view iMovie import as a "consumer" move. All too often clients want to do a selects/paper edits. At least with iMovie import it's a bit more viable.
I agree with Jude that the app should just remember ins and out. Favorites can be very helpful for sorting clips, takes, B-rolls and so on. But to use favorites as a way to remember in and out is just plain clunky and unacceptable. I understand Craig is trying to be helpful with his methodology. But overall, this behavior or lack of behavior is just plain bad design.
Chi-Ho Lee Film & Television Editor Apple Certified Final Cut Pro Instructor
Tom Wolsky Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I, O, F. And not only one set of I/O it > will remember multiple I/Os in a single clip. So > in an interview you can pull multiple bites and > they'll all be remembered. Sounds good to me. It's good if I want subclips. And given a subclipping situation, that method would indeed be good. That method is more than what I want to do. I just want go thru a whole source clip to edit one bite directly into the timeline, then jump back to the source clip to edit another bite into the timeline. But that's not easily done because it won't remember my last out. I can make a bunch of favorites first and then edit those into a project/sequence. But for my workflow, it's not the ideal way I like to work. I think it's not asking too much for an editing app to remember the last in/out of a clip. Chi-Ho Lee Film & Television Editor Apple Certified Final Cut Pro Instructor
Forget this subclip thing. The F key does nothing but add a green bar to the clip between the I/O. Click the green bar to get the I/O. Back you have a Favorites smart collection then there you'll have some kind of semi-subclip, but the original clip in the event or whatever collection it's in just has green marks on it, just as if it had multiple I/O points marked in it.
If you want to do what you just described the I/O is not lost anyway. It's only lost if you go to another clip not the one that's selected in the browser. If you have to go to another clip then press the F key before you go to it. Or just get in the habit of press I then O/F. Use QWED to edit. Return to the clip or go to another clip and the previous selection is still there. Nothing to do with subclips or even anything resembling subclips. All the best, Tom
The favorites tab shows your favorite ranges, without any handles. That looks like a subclip to me. And you're right, the range selected is still active as long as you don't select another clip but that range goes away even if you select the same clip. That seems a bit too fragile for practical everyday use for me. But maybe I'm a troll of an editor, not a delicate little flower of an editor.
![]() Chi-Ho Lee Film & Television Editor Apple Certified Final Cut Pro Instructor
OK, I've got this far. If you work in 'List View' in the events browser with the skimmer turned off, and make all your choices from the same clip at the same time and do insert edits from other clips and never click on the actual thumbnails, but only click back to the name of the clip in the list, then you can see where you are.
IMHO this is still a very fragile workspace, and one I'm not happy with, but I've at least managed to cut an interview base today. ![]()
@Tom: Video Machine.... now those were the days, the classic way
![]() @Alex: I've been trying to put in a few hours every night on FCP X (after using FCP7 all day), but let me tell you boy has it been hard. I tried your suggestion:
which seems to work just fine. It's kind of scary to say, but the skimmer thingamajig i'm starting kind of like....! (saying that while scratching my head). Another thing that bothers me is how I have to move my right hand (from my mouse) to click Cmd + [ or Cmd + ] to toggle the Timeline/Project history, that's a nuisance...! Apple PLEASE give us the option to see timelines or projects as tabs in our maine project window..... PLEASE..... Imagine..... ![]() OMG.... I'm getting excited ![]() ![]() Another feature I think would be handy, imagine you blade a in/out on a clip in a timeline, then double click it (in the timeline) and it highlights in the events browser window, which you can then choose to Q, W or E edit to a storyboard in the FINAL EDIT v1 project ![]() Just my thoughts, I'd have to say the storyboard container thingamajig.....! it's not working for me. If I place a few clips as B-Rolls above my main layer, I can't add dissolves to these unless I highlight them, and place them in a storyboard.... ARE YOU SERIOUS! COME ON APPLE GET IT TOGETHER GUYS. Bring back Video Machine ![]()
Is anyone concerned that we have a thread this long for something that used to take one keystroke or a click? Is this really progress -
Agree with Jude -- you're cutting dialogue or voice over - back and forth - remember the old out point - continue - simple -- this has become a Texas 12 step as for "i'll play with it until it gets all the features back we took for granted the last 6 years" Who has time for that -- I'll gladly learn a program I'm migrating to that improves my workflow rather than restrict it.... this simple function shouldn't be this difficult - making you work with the program rather than the program work with you.
but isn't that the issue? - how much time are FCP editors wasting getting used to something that wasn't broken in the first place - and when they do get used to it - still must go back to the old program to do things that should be easy (or even available) in the new - Clients pay you to produce work - not learn new software that can't in many cases do what the old software does
> If I place a few clips as B-Rolls above my main
> layer, I can't add dissolves to these unless I > highlight them, and place them in a storyboard.... > ARE YOU SERIOUS! COME ON APPLE GET IT TOGETHER > GUYS. Very easy to do. in Fact Tracks are sort of still there, just harder to make happen then it should be. Select those clips in a row (Command click or lasso) and Command G makes them a Secondary Storying (2nd track) then you can transition and if you use P (position) instead of A (arrow) you can even move them around on the track. What they should do is have 1. A preference to make Secondary storeyline instead on separate Connected clips as a default or 2. A "Row" tool that select everything on a row and then makes it a Storyline. With that you'd be able to have track mode very easily.
You are absolutely right Jude, this is an unimaginably stupid omission by Apple in FCP X. I've nothing against the favorite marking system, which after all is just sub-clipping by another name, but my Mac was a computer the last time I looked, and FCP X a high level Non Linear Edit system ... I'd expect it to be able to remember my currently marked selection. Its not rocket science to define a current selection field in the clip database and have the app update that dynamically. I'd expect this will be fixed in an update tho, so I like to kid myself that "F" is an interim workaround.
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