FCPX Feature Wish ListPosted by Ben King
? Select Left and Right edges "\" inherits the Select Nearest Edit "V" behaviour from FCP7, that is, you shouldn't have to be precisely on the cut to enter trim mode.
? Similar frames-grace should apply to the Select Left Edge "[" and Select Right Edge "]" functions along with their audio siblings. ? Cut points remain 'ready-to-edit' when when navigating to next or previous cut while in trim mode, same as FCP7
Definitely needs a more customizable window layout. Offline editing needs a window where you can have multiple bins open and you can see shots from different scenes (eg. B-Roll bins, scene bins, music bin, etc.)
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
A return of the audio levels tool, COMMAND + OPTION + L which allowed you to adjust all selected levels for audio relative or absolute.
CONTROL + [ and CONTROL + ] for adding or subtracting audio -3db or +3db. A return of favorite effects and transitions and the shortcuts CONTROL + SHIFT + 1,Q,A,Z,2,W etc... The ability to add clips and compound clips already in the timeline to an audition. SHIFT + PAGEUP and SHIFT + PAGEDOWN, going forward and backward on the timeline, like in FCP7. The ability to add transitions to connected clips and titles without making them storylines first. Faster font handling in the title tool inspector.
It needs to be rewritten for 64 bits, and move off Carbon for future OS support. Of course, not many were expecting (or are happy with) such a complete redesign of the post process.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
And add the move from Quicktime to AV Foundation.
I can't help but think Apple's approach to the Timeline has to do with how they can best use AV Foundation. I think the "clips" relate to each other in a very fundamentally different way and I think a traditional track based system might have been a bit of a "shoehorning" which might have constrained them. I think part of this is the crux of way they'd have such a hard time importing FCP7 sequences. The changes go beyond the GUI of course but I think to some extent aspects of the GUI are influenced by the underlying technology. Even if FCPX didn't look like iMovie it would like still have to be radically different than past NLE GUIs. That's why when I think of feature requests I try to think of things in what I believe is this new context. For example, if it's going to be metadata based they need to better expose it in some places and allow much more user control over information entry beyond keywords. Why should metadata be limited by text? What about color coding and maybe there are some other none alphanumeric methods as well? If it's going to be a single Viewer they need better implementation of the 2 up display. The Event Viewer needs much more and easier control over the thumbnail frequency in Filmstrip mode. To make the skimmer more than a rough shuttle device, they might consider allowing for a way to "gear down" without having to make it become a playhead . . . or maybe toggle it into and out of a playhead mode. Since a clip can be keyworded in to multiple collections dup detection becomes more critical.
Make an audio only crossfade as an independent transition/keystroke
Audio only crossfade is kludgy Select abutting clips in Storyline Detach Audio Select Clips Create Secondary Storyline Add the audio only dissolve. At the very least one should simply Expand clips and add audio only crossfade just as one adds video only crossfade. It would be idea if one could expand clips and add video or audio only dissolve/crossfade as a single keystroke. Heck why not have a keystroke for video only and a keystroke with modifier key for audio only and not even have to expand the clips. Just select the edit point and execute. The GUI display would be a dissolve icon that covers either only the video or audio portion of the clips as it's displayed.
Replace at playhead
Park playhead on clip in timeline and on source and replace so frame is at same point in time. A gotcha on this is that this is a good argument for Viewer/Canvas because you really need to see both before making this kind of edit. Otherwise there'd at least have to be a 2-up for this just like trimming.
Speaking of XML import/export, I think we need a good fix for multicam projects. I'm currently working on a multicam show and I realized that multicam does not translate to XMLs very well. There are a lot of oddities when you export a multicam show as an XML file, and that even happens when you have a couple of multicam clips in a sequence. I'm seeing that on a show with some red footage that I'm trying to wrangle through into redcine-x. It's going to be an enormous task for anyone to get this thing straight. What I'm seeing is that multicam projects when exported as an XML, comes back into FCP as a folder with master clips and a separate folder with the name of the project and occasionally stuff gets thrown out of sync this way. It seems to happen every time on any kind of project file with Multiclips.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Sadly Tom, no more or less intriguing than the old FCP "Classic" function for Superimpose Edit :-(
In FCP7 when use the Superimpose Edit function (F12) the clip (in the Viewer) is added to the track immediately above the clip currently under the playhead in the timeline, and the duration of the clip added to the upper track clip is automatically extended to the exact length of the clip it superimposes. Useful when you want to add a mask, matte, title, bug etc over a whole clip. In FCPX I'd expect it to work the same way, much as a the Connect to Primary Storyline edit (Q) already does ... except the connected clip should (as above) automatically trim the start and end points so as to match the start and end of the clip to which it connects. We can do the same thing manually using the existing Connected Clip function, and just trimming ourselves, but FCP Classic saved us the trouble (and from a casual glance I can't see any reason why FCPX couldn't enjoy the same as it doesn't seem to contra-indicate the new workflow paradigms). When you drag and drop a clip or generator onto an existing clip in the storyline you get a context menu of options: Replace, Add to Audition etc. That would seem a good place to add the option for starters, but it should also be a keyboard driven command too.
- Ability to drag and drop compound clips into the event browser from the project or even the media list window.
- Make gap clip available in the generators tab, allowing it to be used as an adjustment layer for effects. - Allow individual audio channels attached to video clips to be editable inside project (not just inside timeline mode) or else allow for reconnecting break away clips without having to create new compound clips. - Sync indicators - When opening an event browser clip in timeline mode, allow IN/OUT points and markers to be retained in the clip in list view. Andy
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