If Apple's lost Larry.......Posted by Andy Field
Soundtrack Pro is still being distributed with Logic so is it actually dead?
My software: Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more More tools...
Jude they should be worried, however, musicians have a lot of other options available to as DAWs and music creation programs when you place it in the context of the choice before video editors.
Full blown DAWs there is of course ProTools which leans towards mixing but on the music creation side there is Digital Performer, Cubase and a few others along with a couple of unique DAWs like Abelton Live and Propellerheads' Reason/Record. Not all of them do SMPTE but for the music creators there is lots to go to. The big casualty of Logic disappearing, in general terms, will be "Sculpture" for sound design & mangling as well as "the Environment" that allows for some wacky MIDI routing that can't be done otherwise. Logic has a bunch of nice synths but there are lots of good synths out there. Shifting from Logic will be difficult for some but it doesn't have the kind of traction in the workflow of the music industry where it will place the majority of music creation people in the compromised position that FCP editors find themselves right now.
Jude Cotter Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > As it is, They just EOLed a bunch of our tools and > gave us something else that we really can't use to > do our job right now. It's like taking away the > sculptor's hammer and chisel and giving them a > computer and telling them to just wait until > electricity is invented, cause it's gonna be > AMAzing then. A whole new paradigm. Then the options you have are Avid and Premiere. Apple's a business and while FCPX may or may not "succeed" they're doing it because they believe it will be good for business. Once it grows, I think it will be good for my business as well. I've spend 12 years on Avid, became a video engineer and trained the entire staff for some national network shows so I have a good idea what Avid does and even what Premiere can do. Other's are happy with the way the work, I never have been. I've wanted to see NLEs move towards relational database control of metadata. I find tracks as limiting as 3/4 or 4/4 time is to a jazz musician. If you're into "classical" you have two fine NLEs to chose from. I'm not.
derekmok Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Craig is entitled to like this software and defend > it. But if somebody else is giving positive > opinions on this software, we have a right to > express negative ones and not be accused of > ranting. "Apple will do amazing in the future" is > just as speculative as "Apple has lost the plot". Actually I'd like to spend my time learning FCPX, reporting bugs and feature requests, helping others learn. Complaining not only is not productive, it alienates people willing to venture into FCPX coming from other NLEs or learning it as their first NLE. There's a big difference between being "negative" and analyzing bugs and features that need to be improved. There's a fork in the road. Pick one. Stop honking at the driver who's taking a turn because it can cause an accident.
Well, I just want to be able to see bins with my shots and see my cut on the timeline. I won't comment too much on the lack of tracks, as I have a simple shot that I want to try comping in FCP X tonight.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
craig seeman Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > There's a fork in the road. Pick one. Stop honking > at the driver who's taking a turn because it can > cause an accident. Craig - with respect - I really think you should retract that comment. You're missing the point. It's not a matter of whether FCPX will become great or not. The jury's still out on that, and will be for the next 12 - 18 months at least. The issue is the EOL status of FCP 7. Quite simply, it's immoral of Apple to completely abandon support for an industry standard piece of software with no warning and no chance of recourse. As always, Derek's comments are right on the nail. He's been an absolute inspiration on this forum. Patient, incredibly knowledgeable and generous beyond belief with his hard-won experience. We've all listened to him and respected his opinions for years. And now - suddenly - you're saying his current thinking is just a honking rant ? Sorry - I really can't make the jump to disregarding and disrespecting him like that. In the end I'm sure we'll all adjust one way or another. In the meantime, the thing I find most sad is that the wonderful camaraderie and spirit of this forum has been destroyed. What was once a mine of shared information, frequent hilarity and occasional confrontation has been cut off at the knees. Mike
Guys guys!
I know everyone is still very upset about Apple's choice to EOL FCP7 and has alienated a great many Pros with FCPX but lets be civil here please. Venting your anger (thats really about about Apple) or off-hand comments (even wrapped up in an analogy) could be misconstrued as insults and in the heat of things people will be insulted. We all think differently - seemingly Apple still does - and we have to find a way to work with it or work without it. Please keep to personal opinions of how you feel about it rather than how you feel other people should think. ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
Hey guys, try to avoid sarcastic remarks. I know it's hard, I'm not exactly crazy about FCP X and the discontinuation of a perfectly solid professional NLE and color correction tool either.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Mike Hardcastle Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Craig - with respect - I really think you should > retract that comment. You're missing the point. > It's not a matter of whether FCPX will become > great or not. The jury's still out on that, and > will be for the next 12 - 18 months at least. The > issue is the EOL status of FCP 7. Quite simply, > it's immoral of Apple to completely abandon > support for an industry standard piece of software > with no warning and no chance of recourse. > > Mike If this forum is to be PRODUCTIVE, people have to stop this discourse. New people are coming hear to learn. Old people are trying to learn. Venting alienates both. It degrades the value of this forum. Apple made a decision for business reasons whether we like it or not, whether we understand it or not. Repeating complaints about that decision ad infinitum is noise and it should stop. Apple is a business and many businesses are "amoral" entities. I suspect they have good reason for the sudden removal of FCS2009 from the market . . . even if we don't like. Please stop shouting in the library (forum) some of us are reading the book and asking others to help study the new language. If all people do is complain to each other then you will only have each other to talk to. I wouldn't behave like this in front of clients and I'd limit this behavior around co-workers are as well (and which we all are in this small industry).
Closing this thread. In fact I should delete it, but trying my best to allow all of you to vent, but its been 2 weeks.
We've heard you. You can't keep saying the same thing over and over and over again and expect people to keep listening. I respect ALL of your feelings negative and positive, and yes, there are times when you need to express that. However I will not stand for any remarks from anyone that makes one feel defensive when he/she posts here. Lets take a breath. If your mind is made up about X then that's fine. Move on. Michael Horton -------------------
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