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Café LA - X
Hello, I'm a FCPPosted by Rui Barros
Tiiimm, tiimm, tiiimm... Tim,Tim,Tim...
7 - Hello, I'm FCP 7. X - Hello, and I'm FCP X and... Ahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa......aaaaaaaaahaaaaaaa.....7 what is that???!!!? 7 - X!!!? Those are 5 clips captured from tape.... X - Froooom tape? You can capture from tape? 7 - Yes, even a crappy PC app can capture tapes and work with capture cards! X - Ahh ahhh, they are the same clip, look at the Timecode, aaaahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahh! 7 - No X, they are 5 clips with the same Timecode, I will be cutting some Multicam in a while... X - Multicam?!! WTF... What's that? 7 - Multicam.. you know... Timecode... Sync the cameras.... Cut in realtime... You know!!!? 7 - X... X... X... Are you ok? No... No... He has lost it again... X, Where are you autosaving?! Tam Tlim Tlam Rui Barros Editor Colorist Trainer Lisbon, Portugal RTP Post-Production Apple Certified Trainer FCP 7 Apple Certified Pro FCP 7
Michael Horton Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Me thinks you are drinking way to much of that > Portugal wine. nah this kind of response is fairly mild, in London for instance to date there have been 4 suicides at post houses in the city as sentimental editors dispair at the travesty of Apple's FCP-X 'practical joke'
I don't think that is fair to say that... ... almost certainly they were Lion assisted. For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
. . . also if you boot up FCP-X run round the keyboard twice touch your left shoulder and sneeze - a secret, flashing plug-in pops up with an Apple graphic taking a big fat @#$%& all over your years of commitment to the application as big pink letters strobe the monitor yelling "@#$%& you".
it's the program's most functional feature, apparently.
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