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Café LA - X
Hello, I'm a FCPPosted by Rui Barros
Tiiimm, tiimm, tiiimm... Tim,Tim,Tim...
7 - Hello, I'm FCP 7. X - Hello, and I'm FCP X and... Ahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa......aaaaaaaaahaaaaaaa.....7 what is that???!!!? 7 - X!!!? Those are 5 clips captured from tape.... X - Froooom tape? You can capture from tape? 7 - Yes, even a crappy PC app can capture tapes and work with capture cards! X - Ahh ahhh, they are the same clip, look at the Timecode, aaaahhhhh, ahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahh! 7 - No X, they are 5 clips with the same Timecode, I will be cutting some Multicam in a while... X - Multicam?!! WTF... What's that? 7 - Multicam.. you know... Timecode... Sync the cameras.... Cut in realtime... You know!!!? 7 - X... X... X... Are you ok? No... No... He has lost it again... X, Where are you autosaving?! Tam Tlim Tlam Rui Barros Editor Colorist Trainer Lisbon, Portugal RTP Post-Production Apple Certified Trainer FCP 7 Apple Certified Pro FCP 7
Michael Horton Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Me thinks you are drinking way to much of that > Portugal wine. ![]() nah this kind of response is fairly mild, in London for instance to date there have been 4 suicides at post houses in the city as sentimental editors dispair at the travesty of Apple's FCP-X 'practical joke'
I don't think that is fair to say that... ... almost certainly they were Lion assisted. ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
. . . also if you boot up FCP-X run round the keyboard twice touch your left shoulder and sneeze - a secret, flashing plug-in pops up with an Apple graphic taking a big fat @#$%& all over your years of commitment to the application as big pink letters strobe the monitor yelling "@#$%& you".
it's the program's most functional feature, apparently.
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