Importorting/converting MXF into FCP X

Posted by paulgodard 
Importorting/converting MXF into FCP X
August 30, 2011 04:18AM
Hi everyone
I need to import MXF (1080p) files into FXP X. The original quality of the clips played in VLC is perfect. I tried to convert them with the Pavtube hd video converter but the quality drops too much.
What is the alternative (at a reasonable price), as these clips are not mine?
Re: Importorting/converting MXF into FCP X
August 30, 2011 06:34AM
MXF is just a container format ... what codec is the actual video compressed with / what camera were the clips created with? It's possible a simple rewrap to MOV is all you need. As for Pavtube, it's one of seemingly hundreds of generic video convertors, not especially good ... and the company is known to embrace "spam" marketing. Not cool.
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