Re-merge clip that I have Detached Audio from video..How do I put them back together again?

Posted by videotape 
I break apart clips or detach audio... but how do I merge the audio back with the video so it is ONE clip in my story line. The only way I can figure to do this is reveal in browser then re edit it in.. ANY IDEAS?
Re: Re-merge clip that I have Detached Audio from video..How do I put them back together again?
September 02, 2011 08:38PM
Is this video with sync audio? Why are you breaking it apart? Don't break it apart rather expand it. If you have to break it apart (not sure why you'd have to) you can merge them by making a compound clip.

All the best,

I teach video tom, and folks may mistakenly detach audio and then later want to go back and re-merge it with the video clip to clean up the time line. It seems like there should be a way to select /drag them back together....imagine you want to do this after a few actions have been completed which you do not want to undo
Re: Re-merge clip that I have Detached Audio from video..How do I put them back together again?
September 04, 2011 09:51AM
I agree there should be a way to do this, but you can't as the application is now. Teach folks not to break apart but too expand the clips.

All the best,

Every tutorial I've watched on this subject says, once you break apart the audio from the video, you can't bring them back together to the same state as originally.
they should allow for re- merging clips in a easy command
they should allow for re- merging clips in a easy command

The problem with that is usually people alter the original clip after breaking apart the audio. Therefore, its no longer the same clip to "re-merge". However, you can create a compound clip to re-integrate a clip that's been broken apart, or undo (if it wasn't too far back).

Finally, if your students need to edit the individual audio tracks, teach them to open the clip in Timeline Mode which gives them access to the discrete audio tracks without breaking the clip apart.

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