Canon 5d Over Crank conversion

Posted by ryanadams 
Canon 5d Over Crank conversion
February 22, 2012 05:24PM
I have some footage that was shot on a 5d at 59.94 I want to convert it to 24 or 23.98. There was a way to do it with cinema tool in FCP 7. Not sure how I would do this in X. I'd like to avoid compressor.
Re: Canon 5d Over Crank conversion
February 22, 2012 05:56PM
in FCPX Retiming Menu / Conform Speed. It'll conform to timeline frame rate.
Re: Canon 5d Over Crank conversion
February 24, 2012 09:12AM
you can't shoot 59.94 on a 5D it must have been a 7D
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