U-matic Transfer

Posted by cbillen 
U-matic Transfer
August 28, 2012 06:33PM
I would like to know how to transfer U-matic 3/4" videos to digitize them and put them onto an external hard drive. I have a new IMac and I have final cut pro X. Can you tell me which U-matic deck I should use and what I use to transfer Please? Thanks
Re: U-matic Transfer
August 29, 2012 09:20AM
I think you'll probably have trouble finding a U-Matic deck these days. Disregarding all the inherent problems with that process and FCP X, your best bet might be to find a transfer house that has one who can get it on file for you.

Re: U-matic Transfer
September 02, 2012 08:00PM
If you can find one in good working condition, a Sony BVU-900 or BVU-950 would provide better playback quality over earlier models.

In addition to the VTR, it is important to use a time base corrector (TBC) to stabilize the off-tape video signal and to properly adjust levels.
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