Subtitle workflow for FCPX

Posted by emptymind 
Subtitle workflow for FCPX
December 10, 2012 05:36PM
I often edit foreign language interviews and in FCP7 I added subtitle text to the timeline (from an imported xml file) which allowed me to edit more easily.

This does not work in FCPX and so I started manually adding text subtitles (lower thirds) to interviews prior to starting the main edit of the film. I have 20 interviews. Without subtitles on the timeline I have no way of editing accurately.

All this text ix bringing FCPX to its knees - way slow (new Macbook with 16Gb ram and with thunderbolt drive). I spent all week with a few caption programs and Title-exchange but nothing worked well. Namely I tried a route that makes .srt files ... again not working well unless it's for soft-subtitles - which in my case will come much later after final edit.

Has anyone got a workflow for subtitles in FCPX yet?
Re: Subtitle workflow for FCPX
December 11, 2012 03:58AM
I'm the author of TitleExchange. So I may make some comment here.

TitleExchange currently don't have any direct support for FCPX. But there is a little app called XTI which comes along with TitleExchange. This app allows to convert either a Spruce STL or a SRT to FCPXML. For details you can have a look at the Help menu of the app.
One thing which no developer (except Apple) can change is the performance slow down of FCPX when handling a lot of Motion Templates.

Feel free to contact me directly.


Some workflow tools for FCP []
TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps.
Re: Subtitle workflow for FCPX
December 11, 2012 06:15PM
Andreas I tried your method with XTI but I thought it did not use SRT files? And so it did not work for me. But I am willing to try again with SRT files with your help if you have time.

Longterm this has to be addressed with FCPX... I mean subtitles are a necessity in this global age!!
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