Last year I did a quick FCPX colour grade of an IMAX film, mainly for a preliminary screening. A few weeks later when we'd done the full-on post production house grade we compared the two versions, my laptop FCPX version and the post production house version – and they were more or less identical.
The IMAX producers asked me to colour grade their next film, but 'seriously' this time. I know FCPX works in RGB colour space, and a post house will work in a 'cinema?' colour space. I'm wondering if there is a work flow that would allow me to produce a colour grade in FCPX – working with original codecs from the various cameras (all digital on this film), converting to ProRes 444, then exporting as a DPX with Compressor – that I can then take to Technicolor to do a final run-through check?
I'm having trouble finding any recent data about FCPX & working with DPX.
I could also do the colour grade with DaVinci, but I actually love the simplicity of FCPX, and am colour grading on-the-fly as I edit all the time... so no learning curve or refresher course required.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated,