First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead (EOL)...

Posted by grafixjoe 
First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead (EOL)...
July 17, 2013 07:43PM
"The future is in the cloud"...and the rest of us that still use DVDs are screwed...


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 17, 2013 11:51PM
It's not dead yet! .....just no more new versions -- CS6 Encore lives on - even with CreativeCloud

Go here


still works - just as DVD Studio Pro still works (if you bought it when they were still selling the suite)

At least Adobe will continue to support even thought it's EOL

just another format falling by the wayside (had only one client request a DVD this year - everything else H264 to playback on computers or streaming via web)
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 18, 2013 12:50AM
At least you can still download it even if you are a new customer. Lots of DVD authoring software is dead too, like Scenarist, DVDSP, etc.
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 18, 2013 07:01AM
The new imacs don't have built in DVD players anymore either. Which was a surprise a client I recommended it to didn't expect.

Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 18, 2013 11:04AM
If they wanted to make Blu-rays they'd need a new drive anyway.

My software:
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Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 04:15AM
At least Encore is still available and will continue to be supported, just no further development. Apple killed off DVDSP outright. If you have clients that are still requesting DVD's you can continue to supply them, knowing however that somewhere down the line they'll quite suddenly switch to file-based cloud or streaming solutions.

Just like VHS, U-Matic, MiniDV, HDV, P2, Varicam, FinalCutStudio, and more, it's over. I personally don't miss the slow, clumsy DVD workflow at all. Clients never really paid for it very well, and the constant encoding and disc burning process was a pita.

The cloud is a much more permament and widely accessible thing (as opposed to an antiquated technology with a really bad ecological footprint). It can only get faster, bigger, better.
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 11:02AM
ClayC Wrote:
> At least Encore is still available and will
> continue to be supported

Supported in what way? They won't be fixing any more bugs, not even the project corruption issue.

> Apple killed off DVDSP outright.
> The cloud is a much more permament and widely
> accessible thing (as opposed to an antiquated
> technology with a really bad ecological
> footprint). It can only get faster, bigger,
> better.

The primary difference between Encore and DVDSP is that you own and can continue to run DVDSP even after EOL, irrespective of any future decisions by Apple. The problem with Adobe's cloud licensing model is that it isn't permanent and they haven't set out a clear policy for situations like EOL. Will they eventually remove Encore from their servers? If so, how soon? And what happens when they do? Does Encore stop functioning? These are policies that Adobe needs to clarify.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
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Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 11:06AM
The cloud is a much more permament's not. Not by a long shot. The onlt permanent thing is when they pull the software from their servers, you won't be able to access it.

Jon hit it...what I am talking about by "DEAD". If they EOL it and pull it from the servers (which they will prpbably do because why keep an EOL product that will not be updated?), SOL folks.:

The primary difference between Encore and DVDSP is that you own and can continue to run DVDSP even after EOL, irrespective of any future decisions by Apple. The problem with Adobe's cloud licensing model is that it isn't permanent and they haven't set out a clear policy for situations like EOL. Will they eventually remove Encore from their servers? If so, how soon? And what happens when they do? Does Encore stop functioning? These are policies that Adobe needs to clarify.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 11:53AM
It's downloadable as Premiere CS6. Which I wish they made it as a standalone. There are no plans to remove the apps that are currently available on the cloud and I can't imagine why they will do that as they will lose customers with little benefit for them. I always wonder why folks are so concerned software development plans tomorrow. If Encore is no longer available or if it does not run on 10.9, and there are is a demand for it, I am sure someone will offer a viable solution.

I never liked cries about "the sky is falling", So let us talk facts.

- Encore is still available for CC subscribers. So if you subscribe to the cloud and you need to burn DVDs and BluRay now, you still can do it. You cannot do the same for DVDSP if you had an FCPX license unless you get FCP7 second hand.

- Encore is also available for people wanting to purchase a perpetual CS6 license. I'm not sure why people will want to do so, since CC has a lower point of entry and is being developed.

- Encore works on the current OS's.

- Encore is part of the Premiere Pro CS6 download, and CC users can use CS6 apps with a CC subscription alongside CC apps. You will not be deauthorized from Encore CS6 just because Adobe EOL'd development of Encore.

- There are no plans for Adobe to pull Encore from the cloud. Also it serves no purpose for them to do so.

- New Macs do not come with a built in Superdrive anymore. And they never came with a built in BluRay.

- Demand for DVDs and BluRay is dropping and writing is on the wall regarding the decline of physical media.

The only case where I feel users should complain about, and where this move is a bad idea, is if you are running a business where most of your income comes from DVD or BluRay authoring and you are looking for a DVD or Bluray authoring solution today, I would not purchase CC for Encore. Just like I would not invest in 10 FCP7 suites today build a post operation around. But most of us are not specialized DVD and Bluray houses. And most professional specialized DVD and BluRay houses do not author with Encore.

So this "the sky is falling" thing. I don't get it. It works now, let tomorrow worry about itself. If it breaks on existing OS's, and there is still a demand, that's when you start looking for alternate solutions.
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 12:25PM
It's not a "sky is falling" situation. It's a situation where Adobe hasn't communicated effectively and left important questions unanswered. With their new model Adobe needs to be really good at communicating their policies and future plans.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
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Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 02:26PM
I agree with the lack of communication bit. But to me the writing for Encore has been on the wall for quite some time. Continued development of a production tool for a format on the demise is simply not financially viable. Rovi's Scenarist is dead too and there's perhaps a closer connection here.

Adobe hasn't exactly done an Apple where they pulled sales of FCP7 and left users with a very expensive beta (or alpha) for professional use. They continued to offer CS6 both on the cloud and for perpetual sales. They merely stopped future CS offerings to focus resources on CC apps rather than maintain both a yearly release cycle and one with feature additions.

What I do gather is that Adobe is at a fairly early stage of their cloud plans because the cloud subscription model changes many things, and with so many different apps, so they may be hesitant to commit. We did have John Nack making a passing remark about not losing access to your work, but he's on the photoshop end of it which is far easier compared to the video end of things where we are still dealing with video metadata exchange between cross platform apps and being not too successful with it. There are things to work out and I think it's better they commit to less than more (Scarlet, anyone?)
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 02:36PM
Yes, the issue for me isn't the fact that the EOL-ed it (as you say, it was inevitable) but rather the lack of explanation on how EOL-ed software fits long-term into the new licensing model.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
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Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 02:39PM
That I agree with you, but I don't see why they will pull it off the servers or deactivate users unless there is a legal issue, which I doubt.
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 03:05PM
Jon - yes - thank you. We are on the same page.

Gerald - nobody said "the sky was falling". That's a bit dramatic, don't you think? Your theories & opinions are just as strong the other way...and that's what they are...theories & you cannot possibly have hard facts to present that states Adobe will never pull ANYTHING from their servers. Encore is DEAD (EOL = END OF LIFE) and Adobe left no explaination as to what will happen to it. That's a bit scary. Who cares if there are no more built-in burners? I have a Thunderbolt burner sitting next to my MBP...which will work with my new MacPro trashcan when it arrives.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 03:22PM
Encore will be offered as part of the Premiere CS6 download, as it is currently. You could not install Encore as a standalone in CS6, and neither can you now. So I expect Encore to be there as long as Premiere CS6 is offered on the cloud. Encore being EOL'd simply means that there will be no more further development. Period. Can they pull it off the servers? If they do that they will have to pull Premiere CS6 off the servers too because they are bundled in the same download alongside AME CS6.

Can Adobe tweak the installer so it doesn't install Encore with Premiere CS6? They could, but they will have to actually bother paying someone to do it, and for what?

Sorry, I speak facts. And I presented the facts as they are.

Is it my speculation that Encore is part of the Premiere CS6 download bundle? No. I downloaded it and installed it. It is part of the Premiere CS6 bundle, which you can see for yourself.
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 03:28PM
Is it my speculation that Encore is part of the Premiere CS6 download bundle? No. I downloaded it and installed it. It is part of the Premiere CS6 bundle, which you can see for yourself. is FOR NOW (I never disputed that), which is my point. Who knows when it will stop? NOBODY (that's what I dispute). Thanks - cheers smileys with beer

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead...
July 19, 2013 03:38PM
I spoke to the Adobe folks during NAB, and one of the things they mentioned was that they were planning on having a repository of previous versions of their software on the Cloud. CS6 is EOL'd but they are up there on the cloud.
Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead (EOL)...
July 19, 2013 05:16PM
It's not "dead" Adobe said as much at NAB this past April.

Basically it's gone as far as it needs to go, according to Adobe, so no more updates moving forward. That's what they said this past April.

Encore continues to live as CS6 and is still easily available via Creative Cloud.

Walter Biscardi, Jr.
Biscardi Creative Media
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