What are the error percent of Acrobats autodetect form?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
What are the error percent of Acrobats autodetect form?
September 09, 2017 06:43AM
Hi all,

Just to check if I don't do anything wrong with my forms when creating them, but how often does your Acrobat autodetect wrong fields? Especially radiobuttons and checkboxes.
For me, textfields are always ok, but when it comes to radiobuttons, when I have more than 3, it messes up my form and starts to connect with other radiobuttons groups. Sometimes the radiobuttons converts to checkboxes.
Have I created the circles in Acrobat Pro X wrong?
Do I have my pre-created circles to close to eachother?
Any help will be much appreciated because I always end up doing the radiobuttons manually...
Also, is there a way to change the default font from Helvetica to another font?

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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