Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 01, 2013 09:15AM
Red Giant
This is the first show I've used MBL & Colorista and I love the effects and controls. However I put finishing touches on one hour show Friday night, shut down & when I restarted Sat morning, Premier CC crashed and I couldn't get it to open my finished show. Tried opening two different autosaves of same project with no success, even got one off my time machine and it too wouldn't open.

The only thing that would allow me to open the project was to uninstall the Colorsuite. The project opens fine without Colorsuite II installed.  I reinstalled Colorsuite II, project will not open, so I uninstalled again and now must go through an hour show for color correction using the standard PP color correction tools.

Has anyone run into this before? Is there a solution other than that I've tried?


MAC PRO 2 x 2.93 GHz 6 Core
40 GB 1333 MJZ DDR3 Ram
Kona 3 card
Quadro 4000 graphics card
OS 10.8.4
Premier Pro CC 7
Video drive Apple XServe raid
plus 2 TB G-raid & 3, 2 TB internal 7200 RPM drives

Mid 2010
System SN H02020UYEUH
Processor SN: J5150032DBH8C
Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 01, 2013 09:21AM
I would advice you to contact Red Giant support.

Premiere does have built in curves and you can download the excellent free power window plugin from Creative Impatience, but I am simply not awed by the CC tools in Premiere or any other NLEs for that matter. These are NLEs, and it's always better to hand off heavy CC work to a dedicated app like the DaVinci Resolve or SpeedGrade. Colorista 2 is slow in Premiere and many of us are waiting for GPU acceleration to come to these plugins. The new Adobe SDK for 3rd party devs support OpenCL/CUDA, so it will be interesting times ahead. I really am waiting for the next version, where hopefully they will add this support.
Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 02, 2013 09:29AM
Thanks for the Creative Impatience tip -- these are great plugins...saves a lot of time sending to After Effects to mask and CC and are the links if anyone doesn't have them

Power Window Premiere Pro -FREE

and the rest of their filters ..all ridiculously free

All Creative Impatience Free Premiere Pro filters
Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 02, 2013 09:41AM
Here are a bunch of free plugins and presets for Premiere:


You can also create a vignette with the title tool, but nothing beats Bart's plugins.
Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 02, 2013 10:03AM
The Impact Transitions are terrific - use the blur and push effects quite a bit......wish other FCP7 plug in makers would port their products to Premiere Pro - I'll be first in line to purchase CHV?......Nattress.....(he's got one I think but would love the rest) and others...
Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 02, 2013 02:46PM
One of the reasons we needed Graeme Nattress' plugins is because we didnt have curves in FCP. Curves is built into Premiere, and FXFactory is now in Premiere and it has a few plugins by Graeme Nattress.
Re: Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7
September 03, 2013 12:27AM
Yes - overall, very happy with Premiere Pro CC - if you liked FCP 7, you will love this version - they fixed virtually everything we asked for. no transcoding, fast, great export and sharing with other Adobe product functions....editing's easy and fun again.
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