Working off of an external usb3 drive with 5K RED footage (I often work off externals for clients so I keep everything on the drive).
I'm just trying to sync and organize them currently and there's probably close to 1000
files total.
Suddenly, CS6 slows down and I get the beach ball when performing certain processes such as:
Duplicating a sequence
Renaming a bin
Dropping a merged clip into the project window.
It's really weird, it plays back my RED footage fine but when I do certain tasks
as I listed above, it beach balls and I can't work. In the activity monitor I see that the Premiere process hits over100% cpu, when I do these processes. It will go to "Not responding" but after 10-15 seconds, to will dip under 100% and be back to normal...until I do one of the above processes again.
This just started happening and is a major time sink.
I recently installed the trial versions of CC and pluraleyes for premiere.
Any idea how to fix this? I tried restarting, tried disbeling cuda and doing software only, tried uninstalling pluraleyes, but haven't uninstalled CC.
Upon further investigation it seems to just be affecting that one specific project file when I open it with CS6.
When I open a different project file in CS6, things work okay. When I create a new project file on the same media drive, things are okay.
When I open the problematic project file with CC, it works fine.
Anybody have an idea what's going on? I am working with 5k RED files but the playback isn't the problem, it's those weird issues above.
I have a top of the line late 2012 Imac with 24gb ram and plenty of drive space, so I don't think it's a system issue.
OSX 10.8.5
Pr 6.0.5